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"Mom, why are Kelley and Becky here? And why does Becky look like she's been crying?" Rylie asks as she enters the kitchen. Christie jumps at the sound of her daughter's voice. She hadn't realized her oldest daughter was still awake.
"That was fast. I didn't realize they were here already," Christie comments before addressing her daughter, "Becky's just a little upset but you shouldn't worry, ok? Why don't you go and check on Reece and Ella for me, please." Christie requests. The last thing she wants is for her 12 year old to be involved in this situation. She doesn't think it's a situation anyone should be involved in. Rylie complies but doesn't make any promises that she won't listen in from the top of the stairs after she checks on the two younger girls.
"So, what's going on?," Christie asks calmly in a motherly tone. She may no longer be the captain of the national team but she's still cares for all her former teammates the same.
"Shawn has been stalking and threatening her for the past month," Kelley explains for the blonde, seeing that she zoned out since sitting on the couch. "I'm sure he's been physical too," Kelley adds. It's just a hunch but it doesn't take much to convince any of them that Shawn would do hurt Becky again.  Becky was wearing makeup during the game which was a huge red flag for Kelley.
"Becky, you need to call the police. He can't keep doing this to you. You deserve to get to move on," Christie pleads, trying to a build up her case so that Becky will agree. She places her hand on Becky's knee once she's finished. The younger centerback flinches at the contact but it brings her back to the present.
With blank eyes and expression Becky simply states, "He's never going to stop. It won't ever end." Neither woman knows how to respond to her. The deadness in her eyes brings both to the brink of tears. They've never seen someone so hopeless and resigned to what's happening. Any fight is gone from her body. As they sit there attempting to figure out how to help their friend Becky's phone goes off. When she doesn't move to pick it up Kelley grabs it. "Don't, I don't want to talk to him," Becky instructs when she sees Kelley looking at her phone.
"Becky, he's called like 7 times. He's probably worried that something happened," Kelley tries, seeing who's calling. There are atleast a dozen unread texts, too.
"You can answer, but I don't want to talk," Becky relents. She looks at the phone longingly. Her head telling her that it's not a good idea even though all she wants to do is talk to him.
"Hey, this is Kelley," the brunette answers as she walks away from Christie's living room. She plops down on the porch steps with a sigh. Her hand reaches up to wipe away the exhaustion from her face. She can't imagine how tired Becky is if she feels this way.
"Hi, Kelley, what's going on?" Zola responds clearly confused why Becky isn't the one to answer or hasn't answered.
"Becky doesn't really want to talk. I just wanted to let you know she was safe. It's uh..., been a rough evening," Kelley explains carefully. She's unsure if Zola knows the full extent of what's going on.
"It's Shawn. Isn't it?" Zola asks but he answers his own question in his head quickly. He then lets out, "Damn it, why won't she just move to Portland."
"Wait, what are you talking about?" Kelley asks shocked by the revelation. She hadn't realized the blonde had gotten so close to her old college friend. Sure, the team joked about it but she didn't know they had actually started something.
"Oh, yeah. I've been trying to get Becky to move. She needs a fresh start and so does Ella for that matter. Plus, Mark Parsons has convinced the club to trade for her," Zola reveals. He thinks that maybe if he tells someone else they can help convince Becky to leave. She needs to in his opinion. He knows she doesn't sleep in KC and he would worry less if she was closer by.
"That's..., I hadn't realized you guys were actually together," Kelley admits, shock evident on her face. She never thought Becky would leave FCKC, but she can't say that it's the worst idea.
"Um, we're serious or atleast I am. Becky and Ella are it for me. I don't know how Becky feels, but if I can spend everyday with them by my side I'd be the happiest man on the earth. I think I've loved her since I was a stupid 19 year old following around his older friend and his girlfriend," Zola confesses. A broad smile spans the width of his face as he talks, thinking about the family he could have. Kelley is the first person he's told about his feelings.
"Wow, that's, I don't know what to say. I promise to try to get her to you," Kelley responds to the revelation. She won't let Becky give up something so special because of her ex. The phone call ends there, both parties hanging up. Kelley decides to head back into the house and try to convince Becky.

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