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3 weeks later....
The knowledge of Becky's divorce spread rapidly throughout the sports community. Luckily, her lawyer was able to keep the restraining order sealed. Few people know the true details of what's happening but there's tons of speculation.
"Becky? Becky! Can you answer a few questions? Becky!" various reporters call out as they spot the blonde and her daughter arriving at the team's hotel. She wraps her arm more protectively around Ella and rushes towards the lobby. Kelley and Ali intercept the duo by trying to help usher them further in. Once they reach a secured area Becky nods her head in appreciation. The other two women take a moment to truly look at the mother daughter duo. Becky looks utterly defeated and as though only shear will power has gotten her up today. Ella doesn't look much better. While the 6 year looks less tired, a clear weight is resting on her shoulders.
"Hey, El Bell, I missed you," Ali says after a moment. She embraces the little girl knowing that she needs all the love at the moment.
"Hi Aunt Ali, Auntie Kel, I really missed you guys," Ella replies seriously as she looks between her mom's teammates. "Momma, can we go upstairs now?"
"Sure baby," Becky replies as she brushes back El's fair locks. Her voice lacks its typical fervour causing Ali and Kelley to send concerned glances to the center back and each other. The elevator ride is silent. All four get out when they reach the team's floor. Becky heads toward her room assignment without noticing the various teammates she passes on the way.
"Thanks for the help. We really appreciate it." Becky says as they finally reach her and Ella's room.
"Reebs, we're here if y'all need anything. Ella's always welcome to hang with Auntie Kel or Aunt Ali," Kelley says while Ali nods her head in agreement. Becky gives a soft nod in return and heads into the room.
"Sonny!" Ella yells as she spots the young defender.
"Hey, goober, what's happening?" Emily replies. She has a real soft spot for the kid especially since broon is like a mom on the backline to her.
"Can I hang out with you?"
"Sure but I think Ali and Julie are around too if you'd rather hang with them. Where's your mom?"
"Momma's sleeping cause she can't at Aunt Barnie's. I wanna hang with you." Ella replies. "Auntie J and Aunt Ali talk too much."
"Ok, let's go find Sammy." Emily suggests as she laughs at the girl's additional comment. The duo heads off to spend the day together.
Moe, Sam, Emily, Lindsay, Rose, and Mal had ended up taking the little girl to a local park to play some soccer with her. Afterwards, they went to a frozen yogurt place. All of the players had seen some of the things weighing on the girl be lifted throughout the day.The little girl's giggles bounce through the halls as Sonnett continues teasing Sam about something. Her laughter turn into full blown hysterics as Rose starts to tickle the her.
"Rosie, stop! Please!" Ella exclaims as she attempts to get away from the midfielder. Her running leads her straight into the legs of her mother. "Momma, help!"
Becky smiles vibrantly down at her daughter and quickly picks her up. It's then that she whispers something in the girl's ear. Seconds later both turn the tickle assault onto Sonnett. Everyone else follows suit and dogpiles on Sonnett. Emily quickly yells uncle and can't help but smile at the pure joy both mother and daughter are exuding. The group disperses after someone realizes it's almost time for practice.
The team bus pulls up to the pitch. Despite being a closed practice reporters are waiting outside the entrance. Everyone turns slightly towards Becky, acknowledging the fact she's why they're here.
"Becky, do you want to..." Heif begins to ask.
"No, it's fine. Let's just get it over with." Becky interrupts looking more worn than moments ago. Everyone sees the shift in her demeanor. The team exits the bus. Reporters begin to swarm looking for their target. Alyssa, Ashlyn, and Tobin form a makeshift barrier around their captain.
"Becky? Can you comment on the restraining order yet? Becky?" The calls follow the team as they enter the facility and head onto the field. The bench remains silent as each player sends quick glances towards the center back to gauge her mental state. Becky seems to just be set on getting ready without anymore distractions.
"Becky?" Sam asks quietly.
"Yeah, Sammy," she replies just as quiet but definitely more defeated.
"Why did they asks if you could comment on the restraining order yet?" The whole room is staring at the two now.
"The motion to unseal it was granted. It's public record later today." Becky somberly states. "Can we be done with this stuff until later?"
"Totally, Reeba." Kelley chimes in. Everyone else follows suit.
The scene that greeted them repeats itself as they leave. The direction of the questions make it obvious that the record had been released. Personal questions about Shawn and Ella fly around causing many players to feel a line is being crossed.
"Hey, why don't you guys leave Becky and her daughter alone right now," Ash tries to state as calmly as possible. These reporters had reached their limits with her especially seeing the toll they had taken on Ella, Becky, and the rest of the team. One of the reporters spews something back but Carli prevents Ash from doing anything stupid.
"Look Ash, they aren't worth it," Carli tells her as she puts a hand on her shoulder. Ash only turns away from the crowd and walks towards the bus in response.
"She's making all this up," Shawn explains seriously to the reporter. "I can't even fathom why she would do this to our daughter. In a few years she'll be able to look this stuff up. It's really just sad that Rebecca feels like she has to do this." The TV shuts off then. No one in the room really wants to hear what else Shawn had to say about their teammate.
"That son of a bitch," Ash says as she shakes her head. The rest of the team gives some sort of sign to show their agreement.
"That's just the first interview without his lawyer. The rest get worse," Heif explains. He had gathered the team for a briefing on how they will be dealing with press from this point forward. The scene at practice demonstrated just how necessary this meeting was. No one had spoken to Becky since the statement Shawn released just an hour after the allegations were made public. She had stayed in her room after arriving back at the hotel. Ali gets up then and heads over to the blonde's room. She knocks on the door and waits for a response. After a moment she adds, "Becks? It's Ali."
"It's...uh...open," the defender manages to get out between ragged breaths. Ali rushes in upon hearing her teammate's response. She pulls the blonde into her arms and attempts to soothe her. Ali can't tell whether she's panicking or sobbing or both.
"Shh, Becks, what's wrong?"
"What if...what if they believe him? They're gonna let him have Ella," the distraught defender cries, "I can't lose her."
"Oh Becks, they wouldn't do that." Ali consoles. "Anyone that knows you knows you wouldn't lie about something like that." A mix of emotions flow through her thinking about what's happening. She's furious with Shawn for saying that Becky is making this all up and hurting Ella by doing so but also sad that her friend is going through this process.

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