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       "Aunt Ali, Auntie Ashy," Ella greets happily as the duo get out of one of the team vehicles. Heather and her had been in an "intense" pick up game in the front yard when Ali and Ashlyn arrived.  The game is quickly forgotten as the little blonde runs to embrace both of the women.
       "Elle Belle, I've missed you," Ali exclaims as she squeezes the girl tight. The dark haired woman then passes her niece to the right and embraces Heather, who had approached during the interaction.  "So, how's big sister life," Ali questions.
         "Good, D...Zola let's me pick out a book and read it to V every night," Ella explains proudly after her almost slip up.  Momma had told her to hold off on calling Zola 'dad' until everyone was told.  Heather's earlier reaction was a clear indicator of subsequent ones.  "When is everyone else coming?"
         "Soon, El. Let's go see your sister and mom while we wait," Ashlyn suggests, trying to divert the girl's attention.  She knows how excited Ella is about seeing the rest of the team.
          "That's ok, I'll just play here," Ella decides before turning away.  The trio send concerned looks her way.  Normally, Ella is all about her aunts when they're around.
          "I mentioned 'Him' earlier, maybe that's what's up with her," Heather offers an explanation. She makes a note to speak with the little girl about it later.  The trio leave it at that explanation, knowing anything involving that man can be complicated.
       The rest of the team filters in soon after.  They're grouped about in the backyard.  Each of the players take the opportunity to catch up and most importantly pass Virginia around.  Becky, Heather, and a few other players head into the house to finish setting things up to eat.  The remaining players take the opportunity to pounce on the opportunity.  Before Zola realizes what's happening, he's surrounded by the majority of Becky's family.  He takes a step back as they come in closer.
       "I think you know what this is about," JJ begins for the group.  Zola's surprised that she's the one chosen to speak.  She's never seemed really intimidating until this moment.  He nods and then takes a moment to scan the crowd.  His eye pause momentarily as he takes in the side of the group.  Ashlyn and Alyssa sit calmly in some of the patio chairs.  Their gazes are discerning and unnerve Zola as neither shy away from his eye contact.
        "Here's the deal.  Becky can and will handle herself.  She's not going to find herself in that situation ever again.  I trust she'll be done with you real fast if you aren't what you seem to be," Kelley takes over.  Her on-field intensity clearly carrying over into this moment.  "We're here to let you know that if you ever hurt Ella, you're going to find atleast 23 women at your doorstep.  That little girl has seen so much in her 7 years.  She deserves something stable and if you aren't it then you better end things now.  You better believe that you'll never see your own daughter ever again if something happens to Ella.  She's the only thing that has kept Becky going and because of that we will all put an end to this situation if she so much as complains about you to us."
        Kelley's sentiments are reasserted by every single woman nodding their heads.  Each stare intensely at the man until he shifts under their gazes.  JJ nods again to let the group know that their work is done here.
        The group slowly disperses inside to help Becky finish setting up all the food.  JJ had grabbed the food from Zola that had been long forgotten during the conversation.  He returns to his minstrations at the grill, failing to realize that Alyssa and Ashlyn remained seated.  The duo continues to watch him for a moment until Ashlyn decides to make her presence known.  Her throat clearing causes Zola to whirl around and give both women his full attention.  He hasn't quite recovered from the last conversation but he knows better than to say something.
        "Look, I whole heartedly agree with the other gals that Becky can handle herself and that if you ever hurt Ella in anyway that your dead," Ashlyn begins nonchalantly. "But here's the thing, Becky deserves just as much as that little girl.  Do you know what the scariest/saddest moment of our lives was?"
       Zola shakes his head 'no' after Ashlyn gestures between herself and Alyssa.  The other keeper chooses the remain quiet, knowing her gaze will be enough to make the man uncomfortable.
       "It was sitting in the back of an ambulance, riding to the hospital.  We got to see Becky code multiple times on the way there.  If that weren't terrifying enough, all I could think about was that we could have prevented this.  At some point, someone could have seen something or said something or even asked and maybe this whole thing wouldn't have happened.  That's all I could think about as I watched a woman that I admire essentially dying and leaving a daughter," Ashlyn continues, attempting not to completely lose it as she describes that day.  Neither her nor Alyssa have spoken to anyone about it, wanting to spare them the horror of the scenario.
      Alyssa analyzes Zola's reaction to the sentiment as Ashlyn regains some composure to continue.  She sees pain in his eyes because of the confession.  It's almost enough for her to stop the intimidation tatics, but Alyssa know he needs to be warned not to test the two keepers.
      "After that, we vowed to never let that happen ever again.  We won't let Becky be hurt in that way or any other way ever again.  If that means that you have to go, then so be it.  Cause even though we both like you, Zola, neither of us will hesitate to kill you.  That piece of shit was lucky that I only hit him a few times before the police showed up.  So, I assume we now have an understanding," Ashlyn finishes.  Her gaze has a deadly intensity to it. 
      Zola immediately agrees, watching the two women walk away with the confirmation.  He let's out a small sigh of relief once they're gone.  Although he's relieved that he made it through the 'conversations', his mind is heavy with the details of the last one.  He makes a note to talk to Becky about it at some point.

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