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     "So, Becks who was that?"  Heather questions as they all sit down with their ice cream.  She was the only one brave enough to ask the question on everyone's mind.
      "That was Zo," Ella replies absent mindedly as she wages war against her melting ice cream.  She doesn't want any of it to get on her new dress.
     "Zo?," Julie questions with a raise of her eyebrows.  The little girl had just told them more than she realizes.
     "Oh, well, it's Zola actually...," Becky begins but is cut off by an excited Hao.
     "Zola?, as in THE Zola Short from college. The one that was Shawn's friend.  As in..." Heather clarifies excitedly.  She can't help but think it's fate.  When they were in college Heather always thought Becky would end up with Zola because of how she talked about him.  She'd hardly ever see Becky smile talking about Shawn but Zola was an entirely different story.
      "Yeah, that's the one," Becky interrupts before Heather says anything else in front of the team or her daughter for that matter.
      "So, he's like infamous?," Kelley asks.  She can tell there's more to what Heather is insinuating about the man.  If it's what she thinks it is then she can't help but be excited.
     "Totally, I honestly only ever heard stories but,..." Hao shots back quickly. She wants to dish all the details to the team but Becky stops her again.
      "Alright, I think I have to get back for closing arguments and the verdict," Becky says putting a halt to any light hearted conversation that had been happening.  The team relents to what Becky is saying and follow suit.  They clear their various tables and head back to the courthouse.
       "I can't believe it's finally over," Becky breathes in disbelief.  After the jury found Shawn guilty on all counts, the team had decided to go to Becky's for take out and drinks.
      "You better believe it, Becks," Heather offers happily.  She's excited that her friend can finally be happy.  The two are seated on her back deck steps.  The rest of the team had been coerced into watching Matilda with Ella so Heather and Becky snuck away.  Both women had seen enough of the movie to never see it ever again.
      "I hope I can do this," Becky replies as worry clouds her voice.  She's always been able to confide in Heather especially now that everything is out in the open.
      "Yes, you can.  Becky, you're the strongest person I know.  Sure, you're going to have a rough first few games back mediawise, but you can handle it.  As for Ella, you've already basically been doing it on your own already and you have us, the whole team.  We aren't going to let you guys fail," Heather admits.  Her candor makes Becky start to tear up.  She has no idea how she got so lucky to have friends like Hao and the team.  "Hey, no crying.  We're celebrating.  Now come on before I have to look up Zola Short's number so I can see a genuine smile on your face," Heather teases.  Laughter pours out of her at the annoyed look on Becky's face.
      "Don't start," Becky threatens as she points a finger at her friend.
      "Momma, Aunt Hao, you're missing the best part," Ella interrupts from the back door.  Both Becky and Heather groan and reluctantly follow the 6 year old inside.
     "Zo!" Ella calls out when she spots the familiar man enter the coffee shop.  Her body clambors down from the chair and runs over to the man. Julie and Ali send Becky a questioning look.  Becky is honestly just as confused.  "Look Momma, it's your friend Zo," Ella exclaims as she brings Zola to the table.  Her hand is interlocked with his as she drags him behind her.  His face gives away the amusement he feels at the entire situation.
      "I see that, El. I'm so sorry she bothered you. You're in Portland?," Becky apologizes when the two finally make it to the table.
      "Oh, it's no problem, Reebs.  I actually live here.  I was on business when I saw you in KC. So, you guys have a game tonight, right?" Zola questions, turning his attention to the whole table.  It takes all of his will power to peel his eyes away from the blonde mother.
      "Yeah, we're playing a friendly against Mexico.  I'm Ali by the way," Ali goes ahead and explains.  Inside she's screaming a little bit.  She sees how both Becky and Zola are having a hard time keeping their eyes off of each other.
       "Nice to meet you, Ali and...," Zola says before gesturing towards the other occupant of the table.
       "Oh, I'm Julie.  It's nice to meet you, too," Julie introduces.  She wants to say something else but the look on Becky's face tells her to cool it.
       "Zo,  you should come watch Momma's team.  She's the captain like the super hero dude," Ella suggests innocently.  She wants to see more of Zola cause he makes her Momma smile.  Both Ali and Julie try to hide their amusement, knowing exactly what the little girl is up to.  She is Becky's daughter after all.
        "El, I'm sure he has plans or something.  You really don't need to come," Becky assures after sending Ella a stern motherly look.
        "Actually, I already have tickets," Zola states sheepishly as his hand rubs the back of his neck.  "I work for Adidas so I snagged some tickets...for my god daughter.  She's a big fan," he adds to clarify so he doesn't look like a total stalker.
        "Oh, well if I see you guys I'll definitely sign something for her," Becky offers as a little bit of anxiety bubbles within her thinking about Zola being at the game.
        "That'd be great, really.  I'll let you guys finish your coffees.  It was nice seeing you Reebs," Zola replies as he places a hand on Becky's shoulder before walking to get back in line.  Ali and Julie are surprised that Becky doesn't flinch at the contact.  Normally, anytime a guy touches her even if she knows him and that it's going to happen she flinches.
      Becky is still looking at him when Ali says, "so, 'Reebs',...huh."
     "Oh, stop it. Come on we're going to be late for the meeting. Remeber what happened to Sam last time?," Becky states to steer the conversation away from what just happened.  Both Julie and Ali know not to push her so they agree, laughing at the thought of Sam's face when she was late.
       As they head out the door, Ella calls out behind her, "Bye Zo! See ya tonight!" Zola can only smile and shake his head at the little girl who has already won his heart.

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