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Heather opens the door to her close friend's home without a second thought.  Becky had given her a spare key for a reason and the brunette didn't expect anyone to be home anyway.
       "Aunt HAO," a small voice questions from the top of the stairs.  The call is followed by rapid foot steps and a jumping seven year old.  Heather barely manages to catch the girl in time, having to drop the bag she had been carrying.
       "Ella, you're broken," Heather comments teasingly as she gives the girl a tight squeeze and kiss. "Where's your mom," she questions after realizing no other bodies appear to be in the house.
        "Just my arm, Aunt HAO. Oh, and she's talking to coach Mark about when she's gonna start full practice and games and stuff," Ella explains absent mindedly.  She's really more concerned with seeing her aunt and hopefully the rest of them later for dinner.
         "She left you here by yourself," Heather questions in disbelief.  There's no way Becky would have done that.
         "No, Aunt Heather, my dad's here," Ella explains with an exasperated sigh.  She decides against an eye roll as well, seeing a weird look on her aunt's face.  Normally, HAO always has some form of a smile on her face, but right now, it's far from that.
          "Your dad's here," Heather repeats as she sets Ella down.  She crouches so that Ella's eyes meet hers straight on.  Her arms raise to hold Ella steady from either shoulder.  "Your mom...left you with your dad?...Ella, we need to go," Heather adds seriously.  She attempts to usher Ella towards the door, but the girl realizes her error in wording.
          "Oh, no,...Aunt Heather, He isn't here," Ella begins to explain.  Her tiny frame shudders at the thought of Him.  "I meant Zola.  He's getting the grill and yard ready for the team dinner," Ella continues, watching the relief and confusion spread across her aunt's face.  The little blonde had completely forgotten that Zola being her dad was a newer thing.  She had wanted it for so long that it didn't seem that new to her.
         "Ok," Heather breathes out.  She'd been in complete panic mode. Thoughts of her friend being in trouble had overwhelmed her.  The brunette actually needs to move towards a chair and sit for a moment before continuing.  Shaking the previous thoughts and memories from her head, Heather questions, "You call Zola dad?"  Ella nods her head.  As the blonde opens her mouth to explain, Zola walks in from the kitchen.  He'd just finished outside and heard the voices in the living room.
        "Hi Heather," Zola greets stiffly.  He knows that he isn't on the greatest of terms with the woman.
       "Zola," Heather states plainly.  Her eyes harden as they meet his.  She's not going to let him off easy.
      "I'm going to go finish my book before the team gets here," Ella announces, sensing the tension between both adults.  She's seen this body language between her aunts and Jill many times.
       "She calls you dad," Heather asks in slight disbelief once Ella is out of ear shot.  Her gaze critically analyzes Zola as he moves to sit across from her.  The man realizes this won't be a simple conversation.
       "Yeah, um,...after the whole hospital thing, I uh, wanted to fix things.  Long story short, I adopted Ella with her and Becky's permission," Zola explains, fumbling with how to explain the situation.  He anxiously waits for Heather to reply as she continues to stare at him with judging eyes.
       "I'm going to set that aside for later," Heather states, gearing up for the one sided discussion that is about to occur.  "Alright, here are the rules for this.  I'm going to talk, and you're going to listen. I don't really care what excuses you have to say, but we are going to come to an agreement by the end. Got it," Heather questions, waiting for a response from the man across from her.
       "Yes," Zola replies with certainty despite his internal nervousness.  He swallows thickly, indicating his true feelings to Heather.  The brunette smiles internally knowing the effect she's having on him.
      "Good.  If you are to continue this relationship with Becky, you better not hurt her, ever.  I swear to god if I so much as get a call from her that you screwed up getting groceries, it's over.  You already used up any second chances with that bullshit about what Becky 'needs to do'.  I will personally ensure you no longer have any impact in Becky, Ella's, or Virginia's lives if that were to happen.  Honestly, you won't be breathing at that point.  It's a miracle that Shawn is still alive right now and that's merely because he's protected by the prison.  You are going to be the best partner Becky could ever ask for or else you're gone.  Do you understand me," Heather finishes, glaring at Zola the entire time.  He'd shifted uncomfortable under her gaze a multitude of times as Heather spoke.
       "I understand," Zola replies seriously.  He doesn't underestimate the truth behind Heather's words.  She's an intense woman and nothing about her screams, "doubt me".
      "Good," Heather states before standing and walking towards the man.  Zola's eyes immediately widen as she approaches.  His confusion deepens as the woman embraces him in a tight hug.  A laugh falls out of her mouth when she releases him and sees his facial expression.  "Congratualtions on adopting Ella.  I'm glad that she'll have a guy like you in her life," Heather explains, chuckling at Zola's look of disbelief, before adding, "What can't I be excited for my goddaughter and best friend while scaring the shit out of you at the same time?"
      Zola still can't find words moments later when Becky walks through the front door with Virginia.  The blonde immediately looks between the two adults, knowing exactly what just happened.  The blonde may have neglected to tell Zola the true arrival time of their house guest and also ensured she wouldn't be in the house.
      "Don't look at me like that," Heather instructs, rolling her eyes at the blonde's reaction.  "Now let me see that baby," the brunette commands as she stands and approaches Becky.  She easily unstraps the baby from the carrier Becky holds at her side.  Her heart melts as Virginia snuggles into her chest.  "What? If he can't handle me, by myself, there's no way he'll make it through this evening," Heather comments as she continues to feel the stares of Becky and Zola on her.  Becky laughs at her comment, knowing how true her words are.  Zola sighs, realizing his night if far from over.

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