Chapter 2

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Pic of Alex to the right. Just in case you were too lazy to search him yourself ;)  You're so welcome by the way. You havn't lived untill you've seen his face. -->

When I come to, I am in my bed. I have an ice pack on the back of my head and I am in my favorite pajamas. They are purple, fleece pants and a sweatshirt from my softball team. I look around only to see Jackson and Alex by my desk. I trie speaking but the blush forming on my face cut me off. Sadly, I end up squeaking. My brother looks over in surprise and excitement.

"Mom, Jordyn is awake!"

The next thing I know my mother is running up the stairs to see me. Each step sounds like a herd of elephants running from a predator. She flys into my room with her "cooking outfit" on. It is a pink apron and a pink chef's hat. I think the whole get up is atrocious, but she likes it so I keep quiet.

Alex looks over towards my mom and starts to laugh to a point where he can't breath. She doesn't even notice, thank god. Jackson slaps his own forehead and asks my mother to take the stupid getup off. She ignors him completely, which makes me giglgle, and walks over to me asking me if I wam ok and how I am feeling. This all gets me agitated. She acts like she is a major part of my life when she is never here.

"Mom, can we just wait for questions after I'm fully awake? Plus my head still hurts."

Without another word she walks out giving my cosuin a glare on the way. With that, Jackson stands abruptly, and walks out with her. That means that I am alone. with. Alex. A long, awkward silence is built as I stare at my blanket. The silence feels like hours, but is actually a couple of minutes. In a quiet whisper he asks

"Are you ok?"

"Yes...?" I respond

All he does is nod and play with the string of his shoe. Everything last night is a blur after I tried catching the dodgeball. I need to know what happened.

"What happened last night?"

"Umm, I may have hit you with a dodgeball." he responds apprehensively.

My feelings go from groggy and confused to angry in a matter of seconds.

"You what! Why would you do that? We were on the same freaking team!" I yell

"I didn't mean to. It was an accident."

"Yeah, ok." I respond

"To prove it to you why don't I take you out to dinner."

My jaw drops to the ground. I can not believe he just asked me that. What is wrong with him, he knocked me out last night and now he wants to take me to dinner! He is able to know what I am thinking from my facial expression because of what he says after that.

"Any girl would love to take me out."

I am absolutely horrified by how ignorant and self centered he is.

"What makes you think I want to go out with you?" I say feeling an annoying blush fill my face.

All he does was wink. I don't know why he didn't just respond. I give him a confused look and turn towards the door when I hear footsteps. finally realizing why he did that I mouth the word "oh" and nod my head.

When Jackson steps in he places a sly grin on his face. He walks over to me and bends down to my ear.

"You need to get better fast because you have a date Friday with Alex."

I don't understand how he knows that. Well, nothing wis going to happen, so how does he know to plan something. This whole day is just too overwhelming. I tell them that I am not doing anything I don't want to do.

Right out of the blue Alex says something so quiet it is almost inaudible. I replaythe saying in my head so many times until I figure out what he said.

He said

"Don't worry about it darling, you'll want to by the end of the week."

My life is going to be helck from now on and I know it. Yes, I said helck.


End of chapter two

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