Chapter 23- The End

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"You jerk I hate you!" I shout through the phone. Tears are starting to swell in my eyes all ready so I can guess that this conversation is going to be very long. I look around the room for tissues or anything I can wipe my tears with. Then my eyes land on Avery who has her hands intwined with another boy. Seriously I'm fighting with my ex about ruining my life and she brings her boy here.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Love." Alex replies. Him playing stupid only gets me more irritated and upset, because he intentionally ruins my life and pretends he didn't. What kind of person can do that?

"You grasshole! You know what you did and you're playing dumb! You ruined my life, you used me and cheated on me, asked me for forgivness, then threatened the boy who could have been for me. Is there something wrong with you? First you pretend to love me, then you want nothing to do with me, then you want me back, then you try ruining me. What next? Are you going to kill me or my friends? What are you Bi-polar or Psycotic?" I take a deep breath after finishing my rant. I wipe the tears from my face and stiffle a sniffle. I sit there waiting for an answer, before the quiet starts to get me nervous. What feels like hours is really minutes before he responds.

"You bitch! You don't get it! I've always wanted you, I just needed some pushing from you to finally realize it! When you pushed me away it was either have you to myself or no one can have you. You are mine and mine only! Anyone who threatens that will end up in a world of hurt. Why don't you get that? I fucking love you Jordyn but you just push me away like trash on the street. You ignore me and act like I mean nothing to you when I know I mean everything to you. I tried making you happy but it's never enough! Never, ever! You are a mean self- centered bitch who only worries about herself. If you weren't who you are, you would probably worry about my feelings and about me period! Call me psycotic and Bi-polar but I know what I want and I will go to extreme lengths to get it! So watch your back because you will either come by force or willingly! Or I can try something different and strike home? Maybe poke around in areas that bother you the most. I already know you and your likes and dislikes so why not use them against you, hmm? I think I will." Two sentences in I put the conversation on speaker phone for Avery and the random guy to hear. I have no clue who the guy is so why should I care if he hears my business. Plus if him and Avery get serious then he will already know everything.

By the end of his threat the tears are flowing rapidly. A current speed of draining water. Every word sinks into me like a bag of bricks. Just crushing me further and further into the horrible earth. My nails are in my mouth and taste like salt and iron. The salt is from my tears but the iron is from my blood. I bit my nails to short and they start to bleed. I also bit every nail off, so my fingers look stubby now. Not that I should be focusing on my nails when I recieve a threat, but I can't help it.

Avery sends me a look of worry and shock. Her eyes are silently asking me 'what does he mean?' Except I can't answer that, even with me trying and thinking of all the possibilities. This person is truly crazy and I have never had to deal with someone like this. After thinking everythng over in my mind I get brought back to reality by the beeping from a disconnected line. How long have I been lost in thought?

"Jordyn are you ok now?" Why ask a silly question? Obviously I'm not ok right now. My ex just threatened kidnapping me, or hurting me and the things I like. Although I know she is just trying to help and comfort me right now. Which I really need because if I don't have Avery then I don't know what I'd do. My coping skills are terrible. I've never had to cope with anything untill this year and I'm still trying to figure out what I can do.

I could always use self-harm. Many people use this technique; using physical pain to distract themselves from the emotional pain. Seems easy enough.

"Avery can you do me a huge favor and grab me a razor?" If I ask for a knife or scissors It'll be too obvious. Although a razor may be a little obvious too.

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