Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello! I'm not 100% sure where I'm going with this, and I might change the name in the future if I do carry on with it, but here is the (very short) first chapter! Thanks for reading :) Also, sorry if this is a little dialogue based. I tend to do too much of that. Enjoy!

Zelda and I had ended up in a small cave. Ganons attack on the castle had left it completely destroyed, and the same went for a majority of Castle Town. I knew that taking Zelda to Ordon was the best option, as it was far away from the Castle and not really the place Ganon would go looking for a princess. We had stopped for the night in the cave for a much needed break, and I'd managed to catch some fish in a nearby river to keep us going, which was cooking over the small fire I had started. Zelda sat against the dusty wall of the cave, hugging her knees. She was obviously still in shock from everything that had happened, and she had hardly spoken a word to me since. I looked up at her.

"It should be ready soon." 

"I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat, princess."

"It's Zelda. I'm not hungry."

"Right. Come on, it's been a long day." I tried to reason. She scoffed in response. "Zelda, please, I'm trying to help you."

Her eyes shifted to the fish over the fire, then to me. "Fine. Thank you." She muttered. I took two wooden bowls out from the pouch I had tied to Epona's saddle and proceeded to fill them with the fish. I handed one to Zelda. "Sorry about the..bones." She took it gratefully and nodded. 

"How is it that you're never scared?" She asked after we had been eating in silence for a while. I looked up at her.

"Well, I do get scared, just like everyone else."

"You're good at hiding it."

"When the fate of a kingdom is entirely on your shoulders, you kind of have to keep it together." 

She looked down at her bowl before putting it on the ground. "Why us?" She said, seemingly to herself. She studied the triforce on the back of her hand. I shrugged. 

"It has it's perks." I responded, trying to lighten to mood.

"Oh yeah? What are they?"

"Well, teleportation."

She laughed briefly. "Very funny, hero."

"Call me Link."

"Got it."

I took our bowls and placed them aside, ready to wash in the morning. "Shall we rest?"  


After putting out the fire, we got into our sleeping bags and let sleep take us.

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