3: Flirting

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Jake's POV:

Finally. The end of eighth period. I could go home now. The bell rang and I went outside the squished door with a mob of pushing high schoolers. Except I didn't know my bus number. I went up to a teacher on bus duty and they were able to figure it out, I ride bus 18. I got on, and luckily there weren't assigned seats so I could sit anywhere. I sat on the inside of a seat near the back of the bus. I pulled my phone out but just looked out the window. The bus was pretty crowded, maybe 2 seats would be empty or so. Then this girl quickly sat down right next to me.

"Hey!" She said.
"Uh, hi," I said.
"So you think you can help me with my homework?" She asked. "I'm Elise by the way."
"Uh, can't you do it?"
"I could but it's just SO hard. And you seem smart. And cute." Elise said with a smile. Then, I realized she was flirting. "Man, how have I never seen you on this bus? What's your name?"
"I'm Jake. I just started school here today."
"Oh, that explains it. So um, would you wanna go on a date sometime? Maybe later tonight?" Elise said.


"Um, no, sorry, I'm seeing someone already." I lied. But I imagined me dating Erika, I can't get her out of my head.
"Who?" She asked.
"Why do I have to tell you? We're keeping it low-key."
"Ok, whatever. Bye."
She jumped down a few seats.

Wow, that was weird.

Elise's POV:

I can't believe Jake rejected me. I bet he was lying. He's been to this school for 1 day. How could he be dating someone? Sounds sketchy. I texted all my friends about him.
Text: hey, the new kid Jake has a gf

The bus stopped and Jake walked past me.
"Byeee, Jakeyy" I said and smirked.
"Uh, Bye," Jake said back and walked off the bus.

He's gonna have a real good surprise tomorrow at school. And he doesn't even know what's coming.

{ Sorry this is a little shorter than the other two chapters. Hope you're enjoying it so far! Comment how this will go!}

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