9: Deep Breaths

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6:15 pm

Erika's POV:

I've been home from school for a while, and going over what I should do about my feelings for Jake. I was trying to talk to my mom, do my homework, and have dinner with my family, but the decision I had to make was stressing me out so much I couldn't focus on anything, my mind raced, my heart-beat steadily increased, and I don't even know why because this doesn't seem like that big of a deal to have these crazy repercussions. Are my feelings for Jake that strong?

At dinner I sat with my mom and dad around the kitchen table and they talked, but I stayed quiet. By this point I was getting so overwhelmed at this decision and I started sweating! Then I could feel myself getting woozy and dizzy. My parents worriedly looked over at me then, and that's when I fainted.

My mom said that she and my dad ran over to me and picked me up and set me on the couch, and put a cold wash cloth on my forehead. Their only explanation they could think of was that the stress of high school was really getting to me, especially with applying to colleges. But it was more than that. Layers upon layers more complicated and stressful than that. And, me talking in my sleep every once in a while, of course my brain chose NOW of all times to do that. I didn't know where I was or who I was with so I just started mumbling stuff.

"Where am.......I?"
"Jake? Where....?"
Jake I......I.....Jake,"

I didn't say those all at once, but spaced out over about about 30 minutes is what my mom told me. Eventually I woke up on my couch.
"Sweetie! Honey are you ok?"
"Mmm yeah," I said groggily, sitting up.
"Poor baby, that stress must have really gotten to you," My mom said giving me a hug.
"Yeah I guess,"
"Did you know you were talking? Or at least mumbling a few things,"
"Really? What'd I say?"
"You asked for me and dad, where you were, and someone named Jake? You kept mentioning his name,"
"Oh," I said.
"So, who is he?"
"Mom I'm tired," I said trying to get away with not talking about it.
"But who is he?"
"He's new at school, I don't know I must've had a dream about school so he was just in it."
"That's all? Erika you can tell me anything." My mom said.
"Yes, that's all, ok?" I lied.
"Ok, I'm sorry, you just woke up from fainting! I'll let you rest, you might wanna head on up to bed early."
"Ok, thanks Mom love you." But thing this is, I still had to make that one huge decision. Why is it so hard?

October 11

Erika's POV:

Finally, I figured out what to do about Jake.  After seriously going through the options I decided to just keep my feelings for Jake to myself. Because, if I do that then nothing will get messed up or ruined. And then, if Jake also feels the same way then he can do something about it. I really think it's the best choice out of all of them and it makes sense. Who knew this would've made me pass out?

Jake's POV:

Today was a little better. It seems that some of the weird looks at me have decreased so that's good. I hung out with Erika and we talked about stuff, but I just wondered if there was supposed to be more between us. Why can't she give me a sign or something that she likes me or doesn't like me? I wanna maybe ask her out on a date, but then if she says no will everything be awkward? Maybe I should just not do that and play it safe. But if she gives me a sign then I'll know for sure wether or not I should do anything.

{Oh my gosh 600 reads!! Thank you guys so so much I seriously cannot believe it! Sorry for a shorter chapter right now,.but it's leading up to something bigger! Stay tuned! :)  }

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