29: Prom

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April 31

Prom day

11:30 am

Erika's POV: 

Prom is tonight! I'm so excited! The prom I went to last year wasn't that fun. I went with this guy, Ryan. We went out for about 2 weeks, and then he cheated on me. The only way I found out was Tessa. Tessa's friend's boyfriend was friends with the girl he cheated on me with. Both of us found out about it together, that we're being cheated on, so we dumped Ryan on the same day. Anyways, I went to prom with him because his "other girlfriend" couldn't go. That's disgusting. But that's all in the past. Now I'm with Jake, and we're going to prom together! He's been doing good, I just worry about him now. He seemed really weird on the day he cut himself accidentally. Maybe he was just scared or in shock though. I don't know, he just seemed different. 

All us girls are coming to my house to do our hair and take pictures and get ready. And I think all the guys are going to Jake's house before prom also. 

4:00 pm

I got a text that Tessa and Lo were here, and then 10 minutes later everyone else got here. For about 30 minutes all of us just talked around on the couch and ate some popcorn. I told them about what happened with Jake and that whole story. Then everyone was complaining about school, and especially finals. 

We did each other's makeup and hair, and then took a bunch of pictures outside with an amazing sunset in the background. I think the guys are going to come over from Jake's house and we'll get a lot more pictures also. 

6:00 pm

Jake texted me that he and his friends were just pulling up to the driveway. I went to go look out the window and my jaw dropped. 

"Guys... Come here. Look at this!" I said to Lo, Tessa, Rocky, and Mackenzie, still staring out the window. 

"What?" Rocky said as they walked over here. 


All of the guys were stepping out of a black Hummer limousine. They were dressed in the nicest tuxedos, and their hair was gelled, yet it still blew around in the wind. Jake was the first to step out of the car, and his friends followed, walking to the front door. Jake looked so good, so handsome and hot. His jacket was open, his hands were in his pocket and he had that smouldering look on his face. The whole scene looked like it could've come out of a movie. All of us were watching from the window, and once we saw it, we were bragging. 

"That's MY boyfriend!" Mackenzie said. 

""That's MY man!" Tessa said giggling. 

"That's my future fiancé." I whispered to myself. 

Jake knocked on the door in the "da duh duh duh duh, duh da" kind of rhythm. I opened it while the others will still staring at their boyfriends walking to the porch. 

"Did someone order the prom night special?" Jake said while holding out a beautiful corsage. 

"What?! This is amazing! And you look so good!" 

He stepped inside and gave me a huge hug, and he put the whole weight of his head on my shoulder, like he was tired, but I new he wasn't.

Jake's POV:

I'm so happy I rented a limo for prom, and all of us wanted to look really good for our girls. I haven't seen Erika since the prank about 3 days ago. I came inside and hugged her. I just needed a hug. A lot has been on my mind lately and I just needed her. I need her. She's my ride or die, she keeps me going and striving to be great. If I don't want to do something for me, I'll still do it for her. Like when I was studying for the SAT's, I wasn't planning on studying much, maybe only an hour. But while I was studying, my mind wandered and I thought of something that made me study way longer than an hour. It may be stupid, but for some reason it kept me going. I need to study so I can get a good SAT score. To go to a good college. To get a good degree. To get a good job. To make money. Money to be spent on us, and a family. At least someday.

And, I've had this other thought in the back of my mind this past week or so. And it could completely change our relationship, but it's something I really want to do. Even though I know it'll never work. But I want to try, I want to try to make it happen. 

The rest of the guys came in and we took a bunch of pictures. I put the corsage on Erika's wrist and she loved it. Then we all got into the limo and sang karaoke on the way to the high school. 

30 minutes later

Prom is amazing! Me and Erika have been dancing non stop and it's to all of our favorite songs! But even in the middle of Despacito I remembered that stupid thought in the back of my head. I can't just let this go, I already tried to forget about it. It obviously didn't work. I just need to tell her what I think. 

5 minutes later

Erika's POV: 

Jake and I got so excited when Ed Sheeran's "Perfect" came on. That song has basically become "our song." We slow danced and were basically just hugging and swaying to the music by the time it ended. He looked so cute tonight. But he seemed a little, distracted? I don't know if that's the right word, but I felt like he wasn't completely in the moment, is there something bothering him? Oh gosh I hope not. Jake went to get punch after that dance, and then we got some cheese and crackers. We stood by the wall, where other people were taking a break and eating. Jake was really quiet, and he was eating slowly, which he never does. 

"You okay?" I said. 

He cleared his throat, "Yeah, sorry, do you want me to get you more punch?" 

"No, I'm fine. So you're okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just thinking. Sorry." 

"Don't be sorry, I'm just asking, you just seem a little quiet."

"Yeah I'm just thinking about something and... I don't know." 

"Do you want to tell me?"

"Yes. But not in the middle of prom, especially with all these people around." 


"Let's wait till we get home, I'll tell you at your house." 

"Okay babe, do you wanna get back to dancing?" 

"Yeah! Sure!" 

We threw our plates in the trash and danced the rest of the night away. 

{ Hi, I feel so bad that it's been so long! Honestly, I am so sorry, it's been SO LONG! I'm gonna finish the story in the next chapter, then it's sequel time! ♡}

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