26: Promposal

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April 18

Jake's POV:

The past 4 months with Erika have been amazing. And today is our 6 month anniversary. Even better, prom is in 2 weeks. So today I am going to ask Erika to prom. We are going on a date to Red Lobster at 6:00, and I have everything planned out for this "promposal." It's going to be so special, this whole night. It's our anniversary, and I'm asking her to prom!

2 hours later

I was doing English homework when Erika called me. 

*Phone call*

Jake: "Hey! Ready for tonight?" 

Erika: "Umm, I don't know... I feel really sick today. I don't know if we can do dinner." 

She sounded really sick over the phone. 

Jake: "Aww I hope you get better!"

Erika: "Thanks. But what about our anniversary dinner? Can we just do it another time?" 

Jake: "Of course. As soon as you feel better."

Erika: "Thanks Jake, I love you." 

Jake: "I love you too,"

*end phone call*

I hung up and held my head in my hands. 

"Ughhh," I sighed. 

Now what am I going to do? Today was going to be so special, and I even had a waiter at Red Lobster who was going to help out. 

I finished my homework, a paragraph about the theme of some stu novel. (I'm still trying to make that happen.) I didn't try that hard on it, it's maybe C worthy. Then I realized something. Who says I can't come to Erika? Yes! I can surprise Erika at her own house, and ask her to prom there! And then we can eat some soup together. 

First I called Erika's mom to make sure it was okay. Then I called the Red Lobster guy and told him the plan was off. Then I got dressed. I kept it casual, but also went a little extra so I looked nice. I hope she won't suspect something if I dress like this. 

I stopped by Kroger and got a bouquet of flowers and a big red helium balloon, along with two cans of chicken noodle soup

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I stopped by Kroger and got a bouquet of flowers and a big red helium balloon, along with two cans of chicken noodle soup. Then I drove to Erika's house.  

I knocked on the door and Angel answered, quietly ushering me inside. 

"She's in the living room," she whispered. 

I nodded and peeked my head in the room. Erika was laying on the couch watching TV, with a messy bun, grey hoodie, no makeup and a fuzzy blanket. She pulled a Kleenex out of the box on the table and blew her nose. That's when I walked in.

She looked over at me and stopped what she was doing, just holding up the Kleenex to her nose and staring at me. Then she smiled. For a second I thought she might not want me to come over if she's sick. But the moment she smiled I knew it was okay. 


"Hi!" I said coming over to give her a hug. 

She put her hands on my arms and stopped me. 

"Are you sure you want to hug me? I'm pretty sick." 

"Well then of course I do, your so sick," I hugged her. 


"You're not sick, you're sickk," 

"Oh my goshhh," she said as I kissed her cheek. 
I sat down on the couch. 

"So, because it's our anniversary, our sixth month anniversary, I needed to see you. And ask you something."

I could see Erika's face tense up from the last part of the sentence. 

"I'll be right back," I went around to the kitchen and got the big balloon and flowers. I walked back holding each of them in one hand. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Erika, I love you, and the past 6 months have hands-down been the best six months of my life. I have no idea what I'd do without you. Sooo," I handed her the flowers. Then I pulled out a Swiss army knife from my pocket and popped the balloon. Inside was a plastic sign that said, "PROM?" 

"Will you go to prom with me?" 
She was beaming. 
"Yes! Of course!" 

I hugged and kissed her.
"This is going to be the best prom ever!"

"I'm so excited!"

"So, shall we celebrate with chicken noodle soup for two?"

"You really know how to treat a woman," she joked.

I laughed, "I'll go make some for us,"

We spent the rest of the evening eating soup, talking, laughing, and we even watched The Office. This time neither of us fell asleep.

{Sorry it's been so long! I had a really hard time writing this chapter, coming with what would happen in it.   I'm planning on writing two more chapters and then creating the sequel. Stay tuned! Also I know that outfit was pretty ugly but I couldn't find anything better 😂}


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