15: Finally

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October 18

Erika's POV:

Was I mad at Jake? Of course I was. I was trying to help him and ask what was wrong, because I knew something was. He seemed different yesterday. And what do I get for caring enough about Jake to ask? I get yelled at and told to leave him alone. I don't know why he got so mad, but he did. I didn't even want to see him at school today. And I decided that I'll sit with Tessa and Lo and everyone else at lunch instead of Jake. I kinda feel bad for leaving him to sit all alone at lunch though. But then again- with what happened yesterday, why should I feel bad for him? Because I love him. No, he was the one who got mad and told me to leave him alone.

I didn't talk to Jake at all in the class we're both in together. And Jake didn't talk to me.

At lunch, Tessa was especially happy to see me sitting with them again. I didn't tell them what happened, I didn't really say anything about Jake and I.

Jake's POV:
I had to get Erika to talk to me today. In order for me to explain it, I need to say that I was going to ask her out, but didn't, then got mad at myself for not asking her out and took my anger out on her. Ugh, it's all so confusing.

At lunch I was going to go up and explain it all to her. But she was with her other friends, and I didn't want to do it with them right there. But I still at least tried to talk to her and get her to listen to me. I came up to Erika and told her I was sorry and that I just need to explain it, if she will listen to me. All she said back was,
"I'll let you explain. But not right now.  Do you have any idea how much that hurt me Jake? All I was trying to do was make sure you were okay. And then the next thing I know, you're yelling at me and telling me to leave you alone!"

I wasn't expecting Erika to talk to me that much about, I honestly thought she would completely ignore me.

"I know, and I'm so, so sorry Erika, but once I explain, I think it will make everything better."

And that was that.

The bus was pretty awkward, because me and Erika sit together, and there aren't any extra seats that we could sit in by ourselves. I'm always the first to get off, so I sat on the outside of our seat. We didn't really talk on the bus, Erika just looked at her phone, then out the window. After school when kids were boarding the buses, as I got on I said "Hey," as I sat down next to her and then said, "Can we talk?" She was staring out the window and glanced over at me.

"Jake I really don't want to talk about this right now."
"Well then when will we talk?"
"Just...later, when there aren't so many kids around. I have a really bad headache so I don't want to do this right now."
"Ok, sorry about your headache."
"Thanks, it's ok,"

We rode the rest of the bus ride in silence, and when I got off I said "Bye,'' and got no answer.

When I got home my mom asked me if I was able to fix things with Erika. Sadly, the answer was still no.

"Aww honey I'm sorry,"
"I just need to find a good time to tell her everything."
"You know what you should do?" My mom said.
"If you do something really nice for her, to show that you're sorry. They always say actions speak louder than words. You need a big gesture."
"Yeah, I guess, but I don't know what it would be,"
"You'll think of something, just give it time."

6:15 pm

I finally thought of something. I needed a way to show Erika that I want to be more than friends. I want her to be my girlfriend and I want to be her boyfriend. I called Erika's home phone, and her mom answered.

*Phone call*

"Hi, Mrs. Costell?"
"Yes, who is this?"
"I'm Jake Paul, Erika might've told you about me,"
"Yeah, I think she's mentioned you before."
"Ok, so I need to do something really special for her, and I was wondering if you could do me a favor?"
"Yes of course! Anything!"
"Could I come over and set something up on your patio?"
"I don't see why not," she said.
"Ok, thank you. Could you just make sure Erika stays in her room or doesn't go outside for the next... 2 hours?"
"You bet! What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to leave it a surprise if you don't mind," I said.
"Ok, well come over and do whatever your planning! I'll be happy to help!"
"Thank you so much Mrs. Costell, bye!"
"Bye Jake!"

*End phone call*

I went to Erika's house, and began setting everything up. To make things even better, the sunset was especially beautiful tonight. Then, at about 8:00 pm I was ready. I told Mrs. Costell that she could bring Erika outside now.

"Jake! What's all this?" Erika said, walking out to the patio smiling.
"Here, take a seat." I pulled out the chair for Erika, she was still shocked at what I have done.
"What is all of this?"
I took a seat across from her and we both looked around at the beautiful scene.
There was a white table with chairs in the center of the patio, and roses on the table with Erika's name around the bouquet. Above us were lights strung all throughout the ceiling of the patio. More flowers in pots were scattered around and the fire pit was lit at the end.
"I needed to show you how sorry I am." I said.
"You didn't need to do this to show me you're sorry! Jake, this is so pretty!"
"Ok I'm just going to get started. Erika, you're amazing. And ever since I started here at school you have been the only person I've met who I can trust. Everyone else basically hates me, but you stuck on my side and helped me get through all of it. You are so funny and nice and thoughtful, and you're so beautiful."
"And we have gotten so close in the last 2 weeks or whatever, we just seemed to click. And yesterday, when I got mad and yelled at you, I was mad at myself and took it out on you. As soon I said it I knew I shouldn't have. And---"
"Why were you mad at yourself?"
"When we met at the park, the first thing I was going to say was that... I was going to ask if you wanted to go out on a date with me. And then I chickened out at the last--"
"Yes what?"
"Yes, I'll go out on a date with you. All of this," she said gesturing to what was surrounding us, "and everything else you said, I... I didn't want to lose it all just over a stupid fight. If you could even call what we had a fight."
"Thank you,"
"For what exactly?"
"For letting me explain myself and not just immediately leaving me."
"Of course,"
"I love you,"
I love you too,"
We both stood up and I gave Erika the biggest hug ever, moving my hand through her hair as we embraced. Then as we stood we held each of our hands down near our side, moving them side to side.
"You know, as long as we're saying stuff, we're already really close and I... I  just don't want to have to wait and worry about it anymore..."
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I said, beating her to the question.
"Yes," she said, smiling because I knew that's where she was heading.
"And will you be my boyfriend?"
I put my hand on Erika's waist and one on her cheek, and we had a kiss, filled with much more passion and joy than the previous car-kiss. Then we had another hug, and I could tell Erika was quietly crying on my shoulder.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," she sniffled. "It's just... All of what you did for me and everything we've been through together in the time I've known you."
"I know, it's been a long ride."
I pulled her away and kissed her forehead smiling. We were together. Finally.

{Finally! Does anyone catch why I made them together on this certain date? The 18th? Comment if you do! And 3k reads!? Litteraly this is amazing, thank you guys so so much, when I started this I had absolutely no idea it would reach this many people, Thank you! ❤ }

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