8: Decisions, Decisions

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Jake's POV:

At school, everyone still stared and hated my guts. Nothing changed. I hope this won't go on for too much longer.

Luckily at lunch Erika found me before I sat down and had me sit with her. But she was at a separate table than her friends.  We sat down across from each other and started eating.

"So where are your friends?" I asked.
"Oh, well, I can tell you the truth right? I mean of course I should but--
"Yes, tell me the truth," I said laughing.
"Ok so I told them in first period that we were gonna sit with you and they didn't really like the idea. They said they didn't wanna sit with "that new kid" and then went on to tell me that he just wanted attention and that's the reason why he started the drama."
"Well that seems like a very popular opinion nowadays," I said.
"I mean I guess but it's just so annoying." Erika said while wiping her mouth with her napkin, "but I haven't told them that we've been talking I just act like I don't know you but that we should keep an open mind about you."
"Ok, yeah but I get it 'cus these are like your best friends and you don't wanna lose them,"
"Yeah and I  mean they're pretty mean towards you and I absolutely hate that but they're my best friend's ya know?"
"Yeah, I feel you," I said, "you don't want to completely leave them but you don't like how they're acting. Something like that happened to me in like 7th grade. But I ended up drifting apart from them and making a new group of friends."
"Maybe that's something I could consider, but, I mean it's almost senior year and, and Lo's my freakin cousin so I don't know how I could get out out of that." Erika said.
"Sorry," I said.
"Because me starting at this school has started so much drama and I just hate it and it's splitting friends apart now?! I didn't mean to do any of this. Like I was just a quiet new kid on the first day, and now the whole school knows my name and despises me."
"None of this is your fault you shouldn't be sorry. And how come all of our conversations end up so deep?" Erika said laughing at the end.
"I have no idea but I just wanna laugh for once in a blue moon,"
After that the conversation seemed to lighten up and we ended up going on and on with stupid puns, it was hilarious.

Erika's POV:

Talking with Jake at lunch about normal stuff and funny stuff was so much fun! After we got through all the drama talk I couldn't stop laughing from Jake's Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonation and all his stupid puns. I really want to go out with him but what if he doesn't feel the same way? Then I will make the whole friendship awkward and things won't ever be the same. And oh gosh, what if he hard core friend-zone's me? There are just so many risks, too many. Maybe I'll just keep my feelings for Jake buried. I'll just keep them to myself and no one has to know a thing. I don't know, I'll think about it in study hall 7th period.


Well, so much for thinking it over in study hall. I spent the whole class doodling Jake's name in my notebook like a sixth grader. I never realized people actually do that until now. I literally have no clue. What should I do? Should I ask Jake out, wait for him and see if he will or just drop it? I don't want to ruin anything. Maybe I should ask my mom. I'm all over the place right now, my mind is going too fast thinking about what I should do. I just need to sit down and slowly go through the options.

{ Hi! Glad you guys are enjoying it so far! :))  I'm going to change the cover art to this story soon, but it will hopefully look much better than the current one so just a heads up. Thanks!! :)) }

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