27: The Best-Worst Prank

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April 28 

3 days until prom 

Erika's POV: 

I still can't believe how sweet Jake was when he surprised me on our anniversary and asked me to prom. I'm so excited, my first prom! Not only that, but I get to enjoy prom with my soulmate.

Me and Tessa and Lo and everyone else are still really good friends, and Jake is friends with Chance, Anthony and Kade. I think we're all going to go to prom together, but me and Jake will still be a little off by ourselves and not with them as much. Plus, I think everyone has a date also. So we'll be together but separate. If that makes sense. 

Let's see, so Tessa is going with Chance, Anthony is going with Rocky, Kade is going with a girl who I think he met in Physics class, Mackenzie.  And Lo is going with, weird enough, Kade's younger brother Nathan. I can't really see them as a couple, so I don't know what'll happen.  

All us girls went shopping for dresses today. We all found the perfect one. And I was surprised that it only took me an hour to find it, it usually takes about a week of going around to different places. The dress is beautiful. It's, two pieces, black and long, and at the bottom it's teal, getting darker as it goes up. 


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After we all got done shopping we went to lunch at Veggie Grill. We were winding down from our meals and Jake called me. 

*Phone call* 

Jake: "Erika... You needa help me... Please," 

Jake sounded like he was in pain and his voice was quiet.

Erika: "What! Jake what's going on? What happened are you okay?" 

Tessa, Lo, Mackenzie, and Rocky all looked at me, confused with why I was saying that.

Jake: "I was using the saw... My hand... My arm... I called the ambulance already...please come home." 

I put my hand over my mouth.

Erika: "Ok, yes, I'm on my way I'm leaving now. Put pressure on it and don't look at it," 

Jake: "I'll try..."

Erika: "Ok, I'll be right there, love you Jake just wait for me." 

Jake: "agh!! Owww!" 

He hung up. 

*End phone call*

"Guys I'm sorry I got to go, Jake cut himself with the saw," I said getting my purse, phone and jacket together. 

"Oh my gosh! Is he okay?" Rocky said. 

"How did that happen!" Tessa said. 

"I don't know, I gotta go," 

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