21: Nominated

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Erika's POV:

Jake's mom got here to the school and made sure Jake was okay and warm.
She said that she owed Jake being alive to me and Justin. And that's when it occurred to me: that I actually saved Jake's life; well, me and Justin both.

Pam took Jake home from school today but said that she'll still let him go to the dance with me, as long as he feels up to it. Pam was in the driver's seat of the truck talking to Justin and I was in the back talking to Jake. Pam also told me earlier that she would let me drive her car home, because it would have to stay at school today. She said that she trusts me to drive it home safely and said that I'm different than the girlfriend Jake had in the past. But a good different. That I'm caring and way more outgoing than his past girlfriend. Pam told me that she really believes that we are the real deal, and not just a silly high school relationship.

"Thanks for getting me out of the snow," Jake said rubbing my hand.
"Of course, thanks for making detention fun,"
"What would've happened if you didn't find me do you think?"
"I don't know, I guess you would've gotten frostbite, and the cold could've slowed your heart rate that it would've eventually stopped. But I don't even want to think about that."
"Okay Jake, ready to go home?" Pam asked Jake.
"Yeah I guess." He replied.
I kissed Jake. "See you tonight at the dance!" I said as I got out of the truck.
"Bye Erika, Love you,"
"Love you too."

The rest of the school day was pretty dull, and everyone was freezing cold. But at lunch today they announced the nominees for the Winter Formal King and Queen. I didn't even know they did king and queen for this dance, but I guess student council voted to have it.

"Ok, guys, settle down, we're going to announce the nominees for the king and queen of the dance tonight. We took all of your nominations and we have four couples for the junior class. We'd like to congratulate, drumroll please, the first couple, Rachel Myers and Jackson Azar!"

The students clapped and the couple stood up so everyone could see them.

"Also, Tessa Brooks and Chance Sutton!"

I didn't even know they were dating! But then again, I don't know if they know that I'm dating Jake. I looked up at Tessa surprised and she looked at me while everyone was clapping. She mouthed to me, "Talk to me later," and they sat back down. I hope me and Tessa can talk more, we haven't talked as much since we got boyfriends I suppose.

"The next couple, who is my OTP!"

Everyone groaned at the teacher trying to use slang.

"Rocky Garcia and Anthony Trujillo!"

Anthony is dating someone too!

"And finally, our last couple is Erika Costell and Jake Paul!"

My jaw dropped. We were actually nominated! But half of the junior class still hates Jake for the drama from October! How did we get nominated? There weren't as many people clapping for us as the other couples, and I heard some people booing. Should I stand up? Jake isn't here today, and then I would be so embarrassed standing up by myself. Then, Lo, Tessa, Chance, Kade, Rocky, Anthony, and everyone else sitting at the table stood up with me. I forgot how amazing all my friends were.

"Ok, those are all the nominations! Congratulations to those amazing four couples!"

I drove Pam's car back to their house after school, and knocked on the door to return the keys.

"Hi, Erika!"
"Hi Mrs. Paul, here are your car keys.".
"Oh please, call me Pam!"
"Ok, Pam!" I said, "How is Jake?"
"Oh he's doing just fine. Once he was in some warm clothes and had some food he was fine. He is still pretty exhausted though."
"I hope he feels up to going to the dance tonight, we got nominated for king and queen!"
"You did! Congratulations!" Pam hugged me.
"Come in, do you want to talk to Jake?"
"Yeah, if that's ok," I said.
"Of course, his room is just upstairs and the first door on the left."
"Thank you,"

I knocked on Jake's door.
"Can I come in?"
"Oh, uh yeah you can come in." Jake said.
I came in and Jake was sitting in bed on his phone.
"How are you doing?" I kissed his head and sat down.
"I'm good, I've just felt drained all day."
"Yeah, that cold was tough to be in I'm sure."
"You know you didn't have to do that for me right?"
"I know, I just wanted to do something nice so that you weren't bored in detention."
"I definitely wasn't bored." We laughed.
"So I got some exciting news today," I continued.
"We got nominated for king and queen at the dance tonight!"
"What? Wait really?!"
"Yeah! I know right? I was so surprised!"
"That's awesome!"
"So you're up to going tonight?"
"You bet," Jake said, "So I'll pick you up at 6:30?"
"It's a date!"
"Ok, see ya tonight!"
I stood up to head back to my house.
"See you then! Oh wait, do you need anything before I go?"
"Pshhh, of course not, I'm a man, I can get a glass of water myself."
I laughed, got Jake a glass of water and handed it to him.
"Bye Jake," I said.
"Bye Erika, thanks," he laughed.

I am so ready for the dance tonight.

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