18: Mix-up

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December 3

6:20 p.m.

Erika's POV: 

Today when me and Jake were together in class, lunch, or on the bus he was really quiet. I kept asking him what was wrong and if he was ok but he said he was fine. I asked him why he couldn't tell me what he needed to now, and why it had to wait 'til tonight. He said that he didn't want to talk about it when everyone else was around. And when I talked to him about normal stuff he just agreed and said barely enough to keep the conversation moving. 

I had no idea where we were going to go for our date so I just wore a cute white t-shirt with a pocket, and some black leggings with mesh-type material on the sides. After that I walked over to Jake's house. 

I rang the doorbell and Jake answered. 

"Hey," he said, "wow, you look really pretty."

"Thanks," I smiled, "you look good too," 

Jake was wearing what he wore to school, a black OSU hoodie and Adidas joggers. 

I walked in and we went to the kitchen and sat on the counter stools. Jake grabbed an orange from the fruit bowl and started peeling it. 

"So what'd you need to talk to me about?" 

"Ok I'm just gonna tell you what I heard. So that you don't have to keep sneaking around and so that I don't have to keep acting like everything's hunky dory."


"So... you are cheating on me with Anthony?"

Jake's POV: 

In my head I said 'are you charging in me with Anthony' but then when I talked to her out loud I said 'you are' which has a wayyyy bigger impact that asking Erika if she is cheating on me. Instead I basically accused her of cheating on me. There's no coming back from that, I can't believe what I said.

Erika's POV: 

"What?!" She said, confused.

"I mean-- I didn't mean--"

"I am NOT going out with Anthony! I'm not cheating on you! Why would I?!"

I was getting mad. Why did Jake just suddenly accuse me of cheating on him? And with Anthony! We're just friends! I would never cheat on someone. But I was mad that Jake would think that.

"No, I- I said the wrong thing-wait.... How do I know you're not cheating on me?"

"Uh, Jake because I just said so?! Why would you accuse me of that?!" 

"Because Logan told me and I know he wouldn't lie to me!" 

"What about me! When have I ever lied to you?"

"What about right now?" Jake said.

"Oh, you really want this to be over don't you, later Jake." 

I left, I didn't know what else to do. Wait. Did I just break up with Jake? No, I... I... I guess I did. But I don't want to break up with him. I love him. But then again he accused me of cheating and called me a liar. How did my day turn from good to horrible in 3 minutes? 

Jake's POV: 

I messed up so bad. All because of that two-word mix up. I trust Logan for telling me the truth, but I also trust Erika's word. I don't know what to believe. Was Erika actually telling the truth or was she lying? Now I guess we're basically broken up. 

9:30 p.m.

After I've thought about for a while, I realized that since that "rumor" has gone through so many people to get to Logan to get to me, it could've been changed when one person told the other person who told someone else and so on. I should've trusted what Erika said. I loved Erika. And she loved me. And how often do you find real, true love in high school? Especially when you just moved to a new town 5 months ago. I was so lucky to be with Erika. I need to apologize. But I need to do so in a special way that will show Erika how sorry I am for not believing her.

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