19: Apologize

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Jake's POV:

Following the day that we broke up, I had a plan to say sorry to Erika. She didn't talk to me once at school today. And it feels so weird actually saying that we broke up. Hopefully it won't be for too much longer. Anyways back to the plan. I'm going to make a scavenger hunt that goes around the neighborhood, and I got Erika's mom to give her the first clue. At the end of the scavenger hunt would be me at the picnic tables at the park, where Erika sat and cried when I snapped at her a while ago.

7:30 p.m.

I've been at the park for about 45 minutes now, waiting for Erika. Finally, I saw her walk around, looking in the slides, probably searching for a new clue. Little did she know, everything was hopefully going to change. And change for the better.

There were 2 rows of 6 picnic tables, and once I saw Erika get here I kneeled down in the aisle between the rows.

Erika's POV:

I came home and my mom gave me the note. She didn't tell me who set it up, but I think it was Tessa.

This was so fun. I think the scavenger hunt was coming to an end, and I was getting excited. I was looking around the park for the next clue. I looked in the slides, on the swings, and then went to the covered table area.

"Oh!" I gasp-whispered and moved my hand up. I saw Jake, in a black suit with a red tie. He was kneeling, and held a red rose out to me. He had a big sign that said 'I'm Sorry' on it and on the corners of it were drawings of roses.

"I'm so sorry Erika, I shouldn't have out right accused you of cheating on me and I should've listened to you and trusted what you said. And I can't believe what I said yesterday, I was so stupid."

I had no idea what to say to that.

"Uh, Jake-"

"I'm so sorry." He stared into my eyes, clearly he was genuinely sorry.

"It's ok," I said, the only thing I could think of.

"You forgive me?"

"Yes of course, I hated leaving you like that last night." I said.

"Ok, because I have another question to ask you," Jake pulled out another sign from behind the 'I'm sorry' one. It said 'Will you go to the dance with me?'

As I read it I looked up at Jake. He was smiling, with his mouth closed, looking at me, with so much hope.

"Yes," I said, smiling.

Jake stood up and put the signs on one of the tables, and he hugged me, running his hand through my hair.

"I can't believe you did all this!"

"I figured it was the only way to get you to listen to me."

Both of us walked to our houses together, holding hands. And I had to stop about 5 times to take pictures of the beautiful sunset. I would never forget tonight.

December 6

Me and Jake were so excited for tomorrow night. Right now we're at Jake's house watching the movie Patriot, and it's so good.

"Want more popcorn?" He asked me.

"No it's ok, I wanna be able to fit in my dress tomorrow night," I joked.

"Uh ohh," Jake said.


"Um, well I may have forgotten to get a tux for tomorrow night,"

"Oh my gosh," I said laughing, "well you'll definitely need one cus it's a formal dance."

"Yeah, how much would it cost to rent a tux?"

"Maybe $50? I'm not sure."

Jake checked the time, it was 6:40.

"Wanna come with me to men's wearhouse to rent a tuxedo?"

"Yeah, sure I guess; I can't believe you forgot to get a one," I laughed.

"Yeah, I was pretty stu,"

"Uh, what?"

"Stu. Short for stupid. I was stu. New slang word I'm trying to start," Jake said smiling.

"Oh gosh,"

Both of us started cracking up. Then Jake grabbed his dad's keys off the counter and we left.

We got to the store and I could tell Jake had no idea what he was doing.

"Hi, do you need help finding anything?" A store worker asked.

"Uh, no I think we're fine, thanks." Jake said.

"Ha, yeah right," I said and laughed, " he needs to rent a tuxedo for the winter formal dance tomorrow."

"Oh I see, well let me show you what we have and what'll fit. Follow me."

"Erika, I didn't need help," Jake whispered to me while were following the worker.

"Yes you did, you had no idea what you were doing or what to look for."

"Yeah you're right." Jake laughed.

After almost 2 hours, or what felt like 2 hours, Jake finally found a good fitting tux to rent. And it cost him $60.

"Man I really need to get a job," he said as we were getting in the car.

"Me too, I need a car. I want to eventually buy an Audi, but those are wayyyy too expensive for me."

"I bet you'll have one, one day."

"I wish. But I want to be a teacher, and they don't make that much."

"I mean that's true, but if you save right,"

"I can only wish,"

"Nope. Tell yourself that you will have an Audi one day. Then you will. It's all about that mindset."

"I wish it worked like that," I said.

Jake's POV:

I took Erika home then went home myself.

"Jake!" My dad said when I walked in with my tux.

"What?" I said.

"Where have you been?!"

Oh crap.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I was watching a movie with Erika and then I remembered that I forgot to rent a tuxedo for the dance tomorrow."

"But you didn't even tell me where you were! And then I don't even have my car keys! Why didn't you check your phone?!"

"Well cus we were talking to the guy at men's wearhouse,"

"And you always do this. You take my car without asking me and without even telling me you're leaving or where you're going," my dad said.

"I know, sorry."

"If this happens again then you're grounded."

"Ok," I said.

And that was that.

Jerika: A High School DramaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz