25: New Year's Kiss

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December 31

Jake's POV: 

I was at Taco Bell with Logan when I got a text from Erika. 

Text conversation:

Erika: hey it's late notice but do you want to come to my mom's new year's Eve party tonight? It's just me and my mom and dad's friends and they're oldish. So if you come be prepared to answer a bunch of life questions 😂 
Jake: new year's with you? Of course I'll come, what time?
Erika: ily, it's at 8:00 ish
Jake: ok I'll be there, wdym life questions?
Erika: the older people will always ask me questions about life, "oh what college are you going to?" What is your plan?" "Do you like someone?" Cus I'm usually the youngest there. But this time I can answer one of those questions with "yep, someone I love," hehe ❤
Jake: 😂 ok see you at 8 erika ily
Erika: ily2

*End text conversation*

I can have my first ever new year's kiss with the woman I will marry. That's pretty awesome. I am, I am litteraly going to marry her. 

Logan's POV: 

I came back from getting our food at the counter and I see Jake smiling down at his phone. 

"What's so funny?" I said to him. 


"I wanna see, is it a meme?" 

"No, gosh mom," he said rolling his eyes.

"But I need to know what makes you smile like that!" I said in a high pitched "mom voice." 

"Do ya know what makes me smile like that? A text from Erika." 

"Awww," I said in my "mom voice."

"Oh gosh," he said and laughed. 

"So how's it going with you two?"

"It's going really good, just found out I'm going to her family's new year's Eve party." 

"So you guys are actually, like real?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"Like you're not just a cute high school couple. You actually love her, don't you?" 

"Of course I love her."

"So, what I mean is that, you're like a mature, committed couple." 

"I mean yeah, we are. I haven't told anyone, but I told myself that I will literally marry her." 

My jaw dropped, my mouth full of taco. 

"Wow, that's really awesome." 

"Ha tell me about it. I'm so lucky to have found her." 

Jake's POV: 

After Taco Bell me and Logan played Cards Against Humanity and Anthony and Chance came over for a little bit to play too. Then at 8 I left to go to the party. I walked to Erika's house. There was snow on the ground, but not on the sidewalk or roads. And it wasn't that cold out, only like 30 degrees (F), I just wore my hoodie. I knocked on the door and Erika's mom answered. 

"Jake! Come in, thanks for coming!" She ushered me inside. 

"Oh, thanks for inviting me, and having the party." 

"Of course! It's a tradition, I think Erika is in her room if you want to go up and see her."

"Really? You'll let me go up to her room?" 

"Of course, you're a good guy Jake, I trust you. And I trust Erika that she trusts you." 

"Thanks Angel." I said. 

I walked up and found Erika's room. The door was closed, but there was a white board on the outside of it that said: 

Erika's room

Happy new year!!

I knocked. 

"Come in!" 

I opened the door and saw Erika sitting on her bed on her phone. She was laying, but she was sitting up with her head on the backboard. 

"Jake!" She said.

"Hi! Happy new year!" I leaned over and gave her a hug. 

"Well now that you're here the party can get started!" 

"Yeah, let's go downstairs and get this party going!" 

"Yay! But adult parties are just people eating and drinking and standing and talking in circles. It's not like a high school party."

"I figured, but I'm kinda excited to get to talk to your family and friends."

"Aww, and I'm excited to brag to them about you." Erika said.

I kissed the top of her head and we walked downstairs holding hands. A few people had arrived now, and Erika told me they were her grandma and grandpa, Tessa's mom (Tessa had other plans tonight), Erika's aunt Theresa and uncle, and some other friends that I forget.

Erika's POV:

I was in the living room standing around talking to my grandma about what college I would be going to, and I told her that I was set on going to OSU. Then Jake came back from getting a soda. He came up next to me, kissed my cheek and held my hand. I blushed.

"Erika! Who is this?" She said.

"This is Jakeee," 

"Aww, how long have you been dating? I'm guessing?" 

"Yeah! We've been dating for.... about two months now or so, but it's been the best two months of my life." 

"Hi, I'm Jake Paul," he said and put my arm around me rubbing my back, acknowledging what I just said. 

"So how did you all meet?"

We explained this same thing to just about everyone at the party tonight, which was about 15. Everytime someone asked or we told them about us they just smiled and seemed so happy for us. I think most people could tell that we were genuinely in love. I can't wait until the end of high school. Me and Jake are determined to go to the same college. Just imagine marrying someone and then living halfway across the country from them. That's how it would feel if me and Jake didn't go to the same college. We would hardly ever see each other. Jake's my ride or die. Neither of us would leave the other. 



Happy new year!!!" Everyone yelled. 

Jake and I set off confetti poppers and then we had a passionate kiss. I had this amazing rush of energy, and excitement for the new year and love. 

"Wow," I said. 

"Happy new year!" He said.

Jake and I held each other and slowly rocked back and forth. It felt like we were in our own little bubble. While everyone around us was cheering and celebrating, we were quiet. I love moments like these. Moments when it feels like Jake and I are the only people in the world, and nothing else matters. This is what true love feels like. 

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