23: Party

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December 8th

Jake's POV: 

After Anthony's speech at the dance last night, every junior was at peace. Most rumors stopped, and later that night I saw so many old friends hug and be together again, split apart from drama. 

Winter break is coming up, in about 12 days. I'm really excited for Christmas but I have no idea what I'll get for Erika. Or for that matter my brother, mom, or dad. 

Erika's POV: 

I really want Jake to be friends with my friends, but I don't know how to do it. I was thinking I could have a party on the night winter break starts, and invite Jake and everyone else. Tony especially, I want him and Jake to be friends. And I hope Jake wants to be friends with him. You know what, it's settled. I'm going to have a party. I hope my mom will be okay with it. 

December 19

My mom was okay with the party, and today I went to the store to get all of the food and stuff. The party is tomorrow, and I texted everyone invites earlier this week. Everyone said they were coming, and some friends are bringing other friends, but it'll be a small party for the most part. Maybe 20 people will be there, but probably more like 15.

December 20

Jake's POV:

School's finally over! Mid-terms were so annoying, and hard. I don't think I did too well on them. Especially English and science. I didn't really study, maybe like 5 minutes for each subject, I hope I can still get at least a low B in each of my classes though. I haven't been doing too well with school this semester. Ah, only a year and a half left. Then I'm free!

I'm going to head over to Erika's house now for her party. I hope all of her friends like me.

"Hey babe," I said as Erika opened the door and I walked in, giving her a quick kiss.

"Hey babe," she said back to me.

I got there a little early to help put out more food or anything, but it was all taken care of. We sat on the couch talking until people arrived.

"So how'd you do with midterms?" I asked.
"Pretty good I think, except science was kinda hard."
"Yeah science was hard. Mr. Scuppie makes his exams wayyy to hard. Some stuff we didn't even learn."
"I know right! Mr. Scuppie must think it's fun to watch our grades suffer and sink."

The doorbell rang.

"Oh, I think the party's about to get started!" Erika said getting up to answer the door.

I stayed in the living room, standing by the food.

"Hey Lo! Hey Tessa!" I heard Erika say, "the party's on!"

The girls came into the living room.
Erika walked over to me and put her arm around my waist.

"You guys have met, but like, not officially. This is Jakeee," Erika said looking up at me smiling.

"Hey, Tessa right? And you're Lo?"
"Yup! T and E and Lo, best friends for life." Tessa said.

More people got here and Erika was in the kitchen talking to Chance and Lo and Rocky and Anthony. Me and Tessa were still talking in the living room, both snacking on chips. She seemed really nice.

"So you and Erika are like the real deal huh?"
"Yeah I guess that's the word for it, both of us really love each other and are committed."
"That's so amazing. Especially to see it in high school. And when I talk to Erika she always seems so much happier overall, ever since she met you. And I don't know if she wanted me to tell you, but she talks about you a lot, and when she does her eyes light up."
"Really? Awww Rikkk,"
"See? You guys are litteraly couple goals."
I laughed. "Really? I never thought about that."
"Totally, you guys are the dynamic duo."
"Jerika is gonna be forever. I honestly am going to marry her. Someday, the day will come and I'll propose and we'll plan our wedding and a year later we will get married in front of our closet friends and family."
"Wow so you've really thought about it."
"I have? Ha, I guess I have." We laughed.

Throughout that night I met everyone, and me, Chance, Anthony, and Kade all got pretty tight. Me and Anthony got to talking about something, and then Chance and Kade joined in, and we were laughing all night long.

Everyone had left by about 10:45 but I stayed longer to help clean up. Once we had everything mostly cleaned, we watched an episode of The Office.

"So did you have fun talking to everyone?"
"Yeah, it was really nice meeting everyone and I finally have some guy friends. Not that you aren't cool, I just- you know,"

Erika laughed.
"Yeah I know, and now we can all hang out and talk and do stuff together!"
"Yeah I'm really looking forward to all of it."

Eventually Erika fell asleep on my shoulder, with her hand on my bicep.
Then on the fourth episode of The Office I fell asleep.

All the sudden I woke up and remembered where I was. I checked my phone, it was already 2:00 a.m.

"Oh crap," I whispered to myself. I moved Erika's head onto a pillow and put a blanket over her. Then I took her phone and plugged it in the charger. I brushed the hair out of her face and kissed her cheek.

"Bye Rik, love you," I whispered to her. A subtle smile appeared on her face. Then I drove back home.


{Hi! Did anyone get my Mr. Scuppie reference? From the Dolan Twins 😂 Anyways I'm going to wrap this story up in the next few chapters. But I will have a separate story continuing the same story line and everything from this one. The next story, or "sequel" I guess it would be, will be when Jake discovers Vine and YouTube, and he wants to drop out of high school, but Erika doesn't. At least that's what I'm planning, but it might be altered a little bit. Please comment if you understand this and/or if you have any ideas for the story continuation. Also sorry I had to skip so much time in this chapter, but nothing important happened during then so it didn't make sense to include it.  And Thank you for continuing to support me with this story! I don't always feel motivated to write, but when I do I absolutely love it. ❤}

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