4: Thought You Should Know

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Jake's POV:
I got off the bus and walked home.
"Hey sweetie how was your first day?" My mom (Pam) asked as I came in to the kitchen.
"Ugh. Don't remind me," I said.
"It was that bad? Sorry Jakey."
"It's fine, it wasn't that bad but I didn't know anyone and I couldn't find my classes, and then the bus. It was sooo annyoyinggg."
"It'll get better, ya just have to get used to everything. Do you have homework?"
"Luckily they were nice and didn't assign homework today."
"That's good! Cus I think the three of us are all gonna go out to dinner."
"So did you meet any potential friends?"


"Uh, not really, one girl was really nice though, she came up to me at lunch.
"Well that's good, and hey, I'm sure by the end of the year you will know so many people. I'm sorry we had to move and you had to go through this beginning high school experience a second time." Mom said.
"I wish we didn't move, but I can't really do anything about it now."

Then I got some snacks and went upstairs to my room. I checked Instagram and all the sudden I had like 70 follow requests. I went through the accounts and all of them had "WHS" in their bios. I accepted them and proceeded to add "WHS" to the bottom of mine.

October 9

I woke up, ate, got ready, and hopped on the bus to school. Today I wore a plain black shirt, black and white joggers, and some fake cream Yeezys I got at Christmastime. Then I was walking to my locker, and all the other juniors were looking at me. I guess just 'cus I'm new, but I got even more strange looks today than yesterday. Then someone called my name. From the Tech room. I walked back a little and peeked my head in the door. Then Erika whipped around the corner and pulled me towards her desk at the back of the room.
"Hey," she said somewhat out of breath. "I've been trying to find you for like 5 minutes."
"Sorry, I didn't know you were looking for me."

She's actually talking to me! I love her-- wait no I don't I hardly know her. But she's amazing.

"I tried to DM you on Instagram but you haven't seen it yet. Have you noticed people staring at you more?"
"Yeah what's up with that? What did I do?" I asked while staring at her pale pink lips.
"Nothing, it's what Elise did. You met her right? Well apparently she texted everyone that you rejected her 'cus you're dating someone. And people think you're lying because you just started here and they think it's impossible for you to have a girlfriend so quickly." She said.
"Oh no," I said.
"Yeah, it's bad. But I just wanted to let you know because I figured nobody else would, someone's gotta look out for the new kid right?" She laughed and nudged my arm.
"Haha, but really thanks for telling me. I would've been so confused and anxious without knowing all this."
"No problem! What are friends for?"

So she's my friend. Could she become more or did she just subtlety friend-zone me?

"Ok, I gotta go to my locker, see ya second period," I said.

Erika's POV:

I have to say, when I heard Jake had a girlfriend yesterday from a text message, my heart dropped. I literally felt my heart fall. He's so quiet, and sweet, and cute, so hearing he's dating someone, and I don't even know who? That's heartbreaking. It was so hard to tell him about that without getting a catch in my voice. But someone needed to let that poor guy know. I feel so bad for him having to go through this as a completely new kid to this town and school.

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