28: The Best-Worst Prank Continued

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We got into Erika's car and while she was driving she gave me her phone to call my mom. I need to let my mom know that it's a prank, but I can't do that when Erika's right here. And I can't text her or else Erika will see it when I give her phone back. So now I'm gonna have to "prank" my mom, for these few minutes in the car. Which will be really hard minutes for her. Why did I think this was a good idea?

I selected my mom's number from Erika's contacts. Erika wanted me to put it on speaker phone.

*Phone call on speaker phone* 

Jake: Mom?

Pam: hi sweetie, what's up? 

Jake: Well, I was using the circular saw and I cut my hand and arm. We are heading to your work right now. 

Pam: what?! Are you okay?! Who are you with? Did you call 911?! 

Jake: Mom, I'm fine, I called Erika and she got here in 5 minutes, we'll be to your work in like 3 minutes. 

Pam: Ok, but why are you coming here? You need to go to the emergency room! 

Erika: that's what I told him! He insisted on coming here! He would not let me take him to the hospital for anything!

Pam: what! okay, well I'm going to wait in the waiting room for you, you're sure you're okay? 

Jake: yeah I'm fine mom!

Erika: Pam, I really don't want to scare you but Jake is NOT fine. 

Pam: oh no, Jake what happened!

Erika: we're almost there now

Pam: okay, hurry! Bye Jake love you!

Jake: love you too

*End phone call* 

A minute later we rolled into the parking lot. I got out and Erika put her hand around my shoulders as we walked inside. I bet she thinks she's comforting me, but she has no idea what's going on. Pam was in the waiting room and ran over to us, me still holding the bloody rags on the"wound." What once was a bright, cotton, white rag is now deep, dark red. 

"Oh my gosh! Jake! Are you okay!" 

"I'm fine, I'm really fine," 

"No, you need stitches!" 

"Can you at least do my stitches?" 

"Jake, I don't give stitches. But c'mon, lemme take you to a room and we can get it fixed up to go get stitches. And thank you, Erika, for taking care of him and driving Jake here." 

"Of course!" 

We started walking to the room. But before Erika started I held her arms down to stop her, completely forgetting the "condition" my right hand was in. Blood smudged onto her elbow. 


"What?" She said. 

"Do you think you could stay in here? Just for a few minutes." 

"I mean ok, but why?" 

"Just," I rubbed her arm with my good thumb, "Please just do it, I promise it's okay." I kissed her forehead. 

"Okay, I will." 

My mom then walked me to one of the check-up rooms. 

"Jake, you realize this is a huge gash right? I can't fix it up here. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?" 


"What? How can it not hurt?" 

"Mom, you're gonna be mad at me." 

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