22: The Dance

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Jake's POV: 

I got ready to go to the dance, and fixed my hair. As I was doing this I started feeling like renting a tuxedo was way to over-dressed. But I spent like $60 on it and I didn't want Erika to be surprised or upset if I wore something else. It was only a school dance, sure the attire was formal, but a tux? Now that I think about it I feel like I'm gonna look like an over-dressed idiot. 

My mom let me take her new Mercedes to the dance, which she never let me drives. The car is sick, I hope I can have one some day. Or something even better, like a Lambo. Ha, who am I kidding? I will never have a Lambo. Those are for only the super rich.

I picked Erika up at her house. I went to the door and knocked. Erika's mom answered.

"Oh, Jake you look stunning!"
"Thanks Mrs. Costell."
"Come in! I think Erika is just finishing up getting ready, then we can get a few pictures."

About a minute later Erika came downstairs. She looked absolutely beautiful. Her dress was so pretty and her hair had sparkles in it.

"Wow," I said as she came downstairs, "you look, just, beautiful."
"Aww Jake, thank you, you look so handsome,"
"So, shall we get a few pictures?" Erika's mom interrupted.

We took just about a million pictures then I took Erika outside to take her to the dance. I opened the door for her as she looked at me with her mouth wide open, surprised that I had the Mercedes. It would be an even more amazing moment if the car had actually been mine.

We walked into the gym and the place was magical. It didn't even look like the gym we go to everyday for P.E.
It was mostly dark, with flashing blue and white lights, and snowflake decorations hung everywhere. It was like a winter wonderland. Me and Erika got on the dance floor and the people around us gave us some weird looks. I thought everyone got over the drama and rumors, and the fact that we're dating, but I guess not. One group of girls dancing near us looked at us, shook their heads and walked away. I gotta say, that hurt a little. It reminded me of back in October, when everyone hated me. And the only person who didn't was Erika. I looked at her dancing to "Sorry Not Sorry" and smiled. Then I started doing the same stupid dance move as her, the sprinkler.

We danced for a while, to a bunch of up beat songs. My favorite was during "Gucci Gang", which I'm surprised they even played at a school function, Erika just kept double- dabbing. It was hilarious.

Later on that night they announced the king and queen.

"Alright guys, settle down, settle down," the assistant principal said on stage. "We are going to announce the king and queeeennn! You guys voted, you decided who would win. I'd like to congratulate the Junior class's king and queen, Rocky Garcia and Anthony Trujillo!

Erika and I looked at each other with sad faces that expressed, "aw that sucks" that we didn't win. But then we applauded with the rest of the kids, and Erika yelled,
"Wooooo!!!! Anthony!!!"
So I followed up with a, "Woo!!!"
They got up on stage and the assistant principal placed the crown and tiara on each of them.
"Thanks guys! Woo!!! Let's hear it for the junior class!" Anthony yelled into the mic. The crowd roared.
"Anthony, you know you don't have to give a speech," said the assistant principal.
"I know, but I want to say something else. Alright guys, hate to get all, I don't know but just bear with me and listen. So I don't know whatchu all think of this and I don't care, but I want you to realize why you're doing this. Which you probably don't even have a good reason for it. I'm talking about another couple who got nominated, Erika and Jake."

"Oh crap," I whispered to Erika. I was standing with my arm around her waist.
"I wonder what he's doing." She replied.

"Now, as many of you know, well, you probably don't like Jake. Or maybe Erika."

People started looking at us.

"And why do you not like them? From a rumor? From a stupid, false, high school rumor? Do you even remember what the rumor was? Well then why do you keep this grudge against them and quote unquote 'hate them.' Erika is the nicest girl I know. Of course second to Rocky here, and she or Jake doesn't deserve it. And Jake, I can't see you right now, and I know we've never talked, but I really want to get to know you. Basically, I'm really bad at speeches, but basically I want you guys to learn and realize that half of the rumors out there aren't true. So if you have a grudge against someone from a rumor you heard that had been passed on a million times, chances are it's not true. And that results in you 'hating' like half the people out there. So just stop, ok? Erika and Jake, or Jerika, are amazing people and everyone would know that if you didn't just immediately hate on people from stupid drama you heard. So,"

Anthony turned to Rocky and whispered in her ear, and Rocky nodded..

"So, Jake, Erika, get on up here!"

I felt so embarrassed. Erika took my hand and we walked up on stage together.

Me and Anthony did the guy handshake-hug, and Erika hugged Rocky, then she hugged Anthony and I met Rocky.

"Uh, this isn't really needed," the assistant principal said to Anthony.

"Believe me, it is." He said.

Anthony took off his crown and put it on my head. And Rocky did the same for Erika.

"Meet your real king and queen of the dance, Jake Paul and Erika Costell! And man! They ain't hit!"

Erika and I looked at each other smiling. Everyone started applauding and then a confetti cannon went off. Snowflake confetti, of course. Me and Erika started laughing. I pulled her in close, and kissed her.

"Alright! Slow dance time! King and Queen in the center of the dance floor!" The assistant principal said.

Everyone got off the stage and we went to the center of the floor. Ed Sheeran's "Perfect" then played. I wrapped my arms around Erika's waist, and her arms were around my chest with her head resting on my shoulder and my head her's. We were basically hugging, but swaying back and forth to the music.

"I can't believe this, this is just what I wanted." Erika said.
"Me too, I can't believe Anthony did that for us."
"You know I love you,"
"I love you too." I said.
"This is so nice, ever since I was a kid I dreamed about having a moment like this, and it's actually happening. It's perfect."
"Just as Ed Sheeran would say."
Erika giggled.
This moment was the best moment of my life. I wouldn't do anything to change it. It was perfect.

{ 11,000 reads. I'm blown away by this number! Thank you all so much, for reading, for coming back each new chapter, and for supporting me this far with writing it. You're amazing! ❤}

Jerika: A High School DramaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora