6: Hate Texts

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Jake's POV:

Talking with Erika on the bus helped a lot, and she was so nice to me. I wonder how she felt about that long hug though. If she was just being nice, or if there was more behind it. I got off the bus and just like yesterday, I came into the kitchen for some snacks, and Mom asked me about my day. Then I remembered that when I cry (which I haven't till today for like a year so don't say I'm not manly) my eyes get kind of red and you can tell I've been crying which you can almost anyone. I hope my mom wouldn't find out.

I didn't tell her anything about the rumors, and I continued making a sandwich.
"You ok Jakey?" She asked me, "You look kind of different."
"I don't know, I couldn't sleep last night so I'm probably just tired."
"Ok," she said.
Then I took my sandwich upstairs with me.

Man, I really miss Logan. It's not the same without him. When me, Mom and Dad (Greg) went out to dinner last night there wasn't much conversation. That's when I realized that Logan talks a lot. So, I decided to call him. I didn't know if I wanted to tell him about everything, but just talking to him would make me feel better I think. Luckily he answered quickly. (FaceTime call)

"Hey Jake!" Logan said.
"Hey bro! How's college?"
"Dude it's amazing, my roommate is awesome and we're both majoring in engineering! We went to like 3 parties last night,"
"Nice!" I said, trying to fake my positive attitude.
"So how's school? Are you gonna do wrestling like last year? I heard that that school has a really good sports program."
"Yeah, I don't know, maybe next year when I'll be a senior. School isn't too good this year." I said.
"Ehhh I don't really wanna talk about it right now."
"Really?" Logan said, "Cus I probably won't be able to talk to you again for a few days. Bro it can't be that bad, c'mon tell me."
"Not right now," I said.
"Just tell me what's wrong with school this year!" Logan said laughing at why it was I didn't want to talk.
"And I said not right now!"
"Jake seriously, c'mon!"
"NO!" I yelled, the sound echoing through the not-so-furnished house. I could tell my eyes were getting wider and red again, tears about to fall completely down my face. We stayed silent for what seemed like 20 seconds, then Logan said "bye bro," and hung up.
Engulfed in rage, I picked up my 4th grade baseball trophy and threw it all the way across the room, leaving a huge mark on the wall.
"AGHH!!" I yelled.

30 seconds later, my mom came in.

"Jake? Are you ok? What's going on?"
My mom was in the doorway with one of the most worried looks on her face I've ever seen. I was standing by my bed looking at her, holding my breath, and my eyes started to get red and teary. Again.
I didn't say anything to respond. She walked over and gave me a hug, ruffling my hair in-between her fingers.
"Sweetie I know something's wrong, you haven't been the same recently. Just tell me. Is it the new house? School? Please Jakey just lemme know what's wrong."
I hugged her back, quiet tears streaming down my face. Then she sat down on my bed, and patted for me to sit too.

I told her EVERYTHING. I showed her the DM's from Instagram, I told her about Elise, and Erika, and even my feelings for her. I could tell it was hard on her, during some points she cried a little.

"Aww baby, I'm so sorry," she said hugging me again, "this is not how school should be. I feel like I've failed Jakey."
"No mom, don't say that you're the best mom ever." I said.
"But honey this is so terrible,"
"I know," I said, "but we can't do anything about it, it's just how high school is."
"Just how high school is! Jake, this is unacceptable!"
"It's fine mommm" I said.
"No it's not! I at least need to tell your principal about what his students are doing."
"Mom, please, just... just don't say anything about it."
"Ok well I'm going to go make dinner."
My mom left without saying anything else and she didn't acknowledge what I said right before. If she told, then everyone would hate me more. Then I'd be the tattle tale of a bunch of 17 year olds.

~~~ 3 hours later: 7:15 pm ~~~

Even after talking with my mom, and Erika on the bus, none of it really made a difference. People still hated me. People still sent me mean texts. The only difference is that now Erika and my mom know the truth. When things first started I didn't think it would get this bad, and now I've even heard the drama has spread to the seniors and freshmen. Now the ENTIRE school hates me. I'm just "the new kid who  wants attention".

I don't even know why I chose to read all the texts, why did I do that??? Now I hated myself. I know this isn't true, but I keep blaming myself for causing all the drama. Like if I hadn't lied to Elise then nothing would be going on. NOTHING. Then she wouldn't even of had the choice to text her friends about me.

~~~~10:30 pm ~~~~

I was watching Friends when my phone buzzed. Erika texted me. She didn't have my number, so she just Direct Messaged me on Instagram.

Text messages:

Erika: hey jake I really need to tell you something
Jake: hi, ok what is it?
Erika: I'm so sorry and I feel so bad but I told my mom about the rumors and stuff, I didn't mention your name, but I told her and I'm so sorry. I get it if you can't trust me anymore cus I broke the promise. But after you got off the bus and up until I told my mom, I was basically distraught over what you told me. I couldn't think straight or even do my homework cus I was just thinking about you. It's awful what everyone is saying to you and I can't even imagine how you're feeling.
Jake: wow, it's ok, I still trust you. You're the only friend I have right now.
Erika: I'm so sorry
Jake: please don't worry and don't be sorry
Erika: no but you must feel so bad and nobody trusts you or believes you
Jake: everyone hates me, and I stupidly read all those mean texts, so now I pretty much hate myself but then I don't. Ya know?
Erika: actually yeah, I get what you mean. Hey do you think you could come to school a little early tomorrow, like 8:15 so we can talk?
Jake: yeah sure
Erika: ok thanks
Jake: no problemo
Erika: haha

{ Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying it so far! It's about to get SO much better ahh!! I'm so excited! And thank you so much for all the reads! I didn't think it'd get so many so quickly! ❤}

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