5: Tears and Hugs

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Today was worst than yesterday. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was staring at me. They gave me dirty looks and a few people came up to me and swore at me. They asked,
"Where's your girlfriend now?"
"You dirty liar,"
I don't even wanna say the cuss words they called me.

What did I get into, why did I lie to Elise? I just didn't want to go out with her so I lied to make it easier to say no. Now everybody hates me. I hardly said a word all day. I was too scared to stick up for myself, I just let it happen.

Erika's POV:

I heard what people were calling Jake in second period, history, it was horrible. I felt so bad for him and I wanted to stick up for him, but Chance told me we shouldn't and we should just spread the rumor for fun. He said, "it's not our life so we should just spread the drama for fun. Who cares how one person feels."

I didn't agree with that. I didn't stick up for Jake, and I didn't spread any rumors. I just stayed neutral about it. But I can't believe what Chance said, I didn't respond to him I changed the subject. But how could he say that?

Jake's POV:
I got on the bus, hating everything. Everything. I sat third to the back on the inside by myself, and looked down at my phone. The bus hadn't left yet, kids were still getting on. I checked Instagram and I had so many DMs. People were taking time out of their day to tell me how much they hate me. I started to get tears in my eyes and suddenly, a teardrop fell onto my cheek.  Someone walked past me and then I felt them walk back right to my seat.

Oh God no, please. Just go sit down. More tears were filling up my eyes. I couldn't bare to look up at them.
Then I felt someone sit down next to me. I still stared at my phone.

"Hey," someone said sweetly and softly.

It was Erika.

"Hi," was all I managed to say without her knowing I was crying.
"Are you ok?" She asked, leaning into me.
I shook my head no and she instantly leaned in and I instantly hugged her. Then I let it all out, all the tears. She just continued hugging me and rubbing my back until I stopped crying. I know, I'm a baby, but everything just got to me.  Luckily nobody else sat near the back cus of some sport thing right after school, so no one saw me cry.

"Uh, sorry," I said wiping my eyes.
"No, I'm sorry, you must feel so bad right now, everyone spreading drama about you. Like yes, guys it's possible for him to have a girlfriend, they need to get over it." Erika said.
"Yeah, um, can I tell you something? But you can't tell anyone else."
"Of course, I promise I won't tell anyone."
"Thanks. Ok so I actually don't have a girlfriend. I just said that to make it easier to say no to dating Elise. It just slipped out. I can't believe she told everyone."
"Oh my gosh," she said, with a very worried look in her eyes.

Erika's POV:

I'm so glad I could talk to Jake and make him feel better. And I got to have a long, deep hug with him.  He smelled so good. Fresh, clean, with an indescribable light cologne. And I was so happy when he said he didn't have a girlfriend. But I couldn't show too much happiness or he'd know I like him.

Jake's POV:

"I know, it's bad."
"Really bad. Is that all that's going on? She asked.
"Oh gosh I'm sorry, you probably don't wanna tell me anything else."
"No it's fine, plus I don't really have anybody I can tell this to. It's just what everyone's saying and calling me. And the DMs I get..."
I showed her all the terrible DMs.
I didn't know how she'd react. But when I looked into her big green eyes I saw that they were getting watery. She was crying. For me. In that moment all the hate and negativity around me was gone. Like it vanished into thin air. Like the only things in the world right now were her and I.

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