Chapter 12

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Trina and Liron were tangled with their current family and household.

Dan was a thing itself, not in a bad way or any trouble but it was a deal. But then there was also Jared who had something against the poor boy avoiding him and also was in constant strife and glaring competition with Aldo.

Niall was in silent treatment with his brother, so only Naomi was safe, although when she heard later that day about Jared, she had been angry at him too.

The tension in the house was nothing good for Dan, and they were concerned, but he wasn't much out of his and Aldo's room to see it.

He had come down with his brother for lunch and dinner, and helped Trina with the dishes after lunch instead of breakfast.

All day, the rare times Dan dared to look at Jared, for a split second he had a strange look on his face that he couldn't read, and the next he frowned at him steering his questioning eyes off.

"Shit" Aldo muttered indignantly, breaking the comfortable atmosphere. "Just damn great."

It was evening and he with his phone and Dan with his book were in their room, doing their own thing. There came some music in low volume from Aldo's phone.

Dan had already got used to the faint noises from outside their room, he knew he was safe in this room and nobody would come in without knocking and passing Aldo.

That knowledge made him feel both secure and awful. He just needed to get a grip of himself and soon change that.

He was still out of the normal life to know, why he was thinking so often about Niall's brother.

Jared hating him was just too unbearable, it pulled him into thinking harder of ways to make progress and how to control his anxiety. Why him and not his own family, Dan for the life of him didn't understand.

"What is it?" Dan queried after finished reading the sentence.

"Those cops want to meet us, meaning check up on us. They suggested tomorrow, morning."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Looking at how things are at the moment, I think it is. If they see we're not good here, they will take us away. But that's only going to happen over my de...I wouldn't let it happen, but still."

"But if we don't have a good reason to say no, they might get suspicious" Dan reasoned. "We need to just be careful, and show them we're good here."

"Are we, good here?"

"Yes. Apparently things aren't as I'd wish, but we have to give it time. I don't...don't want to go anywhere else, here is the best. I like Trina."

"Then here it is. I'm going to ask if tomorrow morning is okay for them."

* * * * *

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