Chapter 16

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"Oh jeez, tell me I'm asleep already and this is just a nightmare" Aldo grumbled.

Dan chuckled, barely managing to hide his uneasiness. Relationships were a good thing, but somehow Jared having a girlfriend made him feel uncomfortable. Especially her being Ze.

He couldn't describe it, but it wasn't a good feeling. And that was wrong, he felt being such a terrible person. More than he already knew he was.

Both Dan and Aldo had been unaware before and surprised hearing about Jared and Ze. It had to be a new thing or then they both were good secret keepers. But Aldo didn't know Jared as one keeping such secrets, so it had be the first option.

The first school day had gone smoothly without anything special, Aldo being surprised of how his brother had managed was an understatement. He didn't know what had got into Dan.

Aldo was obviously glad and proud he was doing better, but he couldn't help feeling there was some darker side to it. Was he really doing better?

After school, all of them had to take the school bus back home. Aldo had insisted he and Dan would wait in school until Trina's work day was over and she could drive them, but Dan had insisted as much that he wanted to take the bus, and had won.

The bus hadn't been completely full fortunately, but as there was people, and it wasn't a too capacious vehicle, it hadn't been easy. The brothers had been in the very back row of seats, which was surprisingly enough empty.

The almost ten minutes had gone like in a haze to Dan, and even if it was on the colder side being winter, Dan had struggled up to the point of breaking into sweat. But he made it consciously back home.

His brother had been angry at him for doing that to himself, but tried not to show that to him. He had scolded him, but in the end all that mattered was that he was again better when they got out of the bus and Dan took a moment to calm down before going inside.

Around half past six, after dinner time, Ze had come to visit her boyfriend and friends. The day had been rather exhausting to Dan and she didn't want to bother him much, so their time all together had been short.

Currently, it was almost 10 PM and Ze had stayed for the night.

The couple had watched a movie in the living room and now were spending time together in the empty guest room as Jared and Niall shared a room.

The guest room was right next to Aldo's and Dan's room, and Aldo was going insane. In their room they could hear occasionally and vaguely the suspicious voices from the couple's spending time together.

Dan, not knowing about things too much but not ignorant either, blushed deeply in their dim room hearing shortly again what Aldo meant, as he took his pyjamas from his wardrobe.

When Dan took his shirt off to change, his brother hadn't seen him shirtless for a while and what he now saw seriously made him worried. He couldn't stay silent.

"Dan, could you sit down for a minute" Aldo asked, shutting down his laptop.

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