Chapter 22

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"W-where are we going?" Dan asked, pointing at the packed suitcase.

"I'm going alone. I'll text you soon to tell where I am, but you stay here. You like at least Trina, right? You have this family, you can trust them, bro. I'm so sorry, but after last night...I can't deal with this anymore."

With that, Aldo took his suitcase and left their room.

Dan sat dumbfounded, until he eventually understood the words and what was happening, and he sprinted after his brother.

He almost tripped on the stairs, but fortunately reached Aldo at the front door and grabbed his arm to turn him around.

"I'm sorry if I did or said anything wrong, but please don't leave me, I need you, you promised" Dan blurted as quickly as he could.

Neither noticed they were watched by the whole Meguyer family who were having breakfast in the kitchen so they saw and heard them clearly.

"It's not you who did anything wrong, bro" Aldo said wretchedly. "I hit you."

"You hit him?" retorted Jared from the kitchen, grabbing their attention for a split second but neither cared.

"I-it's okay, it wasn't your fault, I stopped you so I deserved it and it didn't really hurt so it's okay, and you were drunk so it's alright, I don't care" Dan blabbered, holding his arm not letting go, verbally exploding in another moment of panic and shock.

"It's never okay to hit someone and I can't be here with you knowing I hit you, my own brother" Aldo said miserably. "I won't stay here anymore waiting for the next time shouldn't have happened even the first time...I have problems right now and need help, and I'll come back soon enough. We can't apparently manage through this together, at least at the moment. Maybe I'm doing wrong but that's what I mean, I don't know how to handle things anymore. I love you, bro, remember that. Right now you're better here without me, you'll be okay."

For a moment of being perplexed to the core, Dan's grip loosened and Aldo let go with difficulty and hurt, opened the door and went out.

"No" Dan whispered feeling lost and alone, and chanting 'no' he still followed his brother outdoors, not caring he was only in his pyjamas.

But just after he got past the door, he was held back again like two evenings ago, by Jared who stopped him.

"We c-can't just let him go" Dan cried.

He was anxious about the touch and because of it instinctively sank down on the snowy ground but was never let go. His eyes, blurred by tears, were fixed on his brother, who walked to a dark grey car.

"We have to for now, and he'll come back just like he said" Jared said calmly.

He wasn't sure if he was doing right holding Dan but he would have run after Aldo, he wanted to stop him from doing that and also comfort him.

Dan followed with his stinging eyes as Aldo went inside the car and until the car drove away from his sight.

He was angry at both Jared for stopping him, again, and his brother for leaving him like that.

But, of course he didn't show it outwards. What had just really happened?

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