Chapter 18

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(I NEED TO PUT A TRIGGER WARNING TO THIS ONE, sorry I'm nervous about how I did with this chapter, but here we go...)


So, here he was again.

The recalled memory of Azure was on his mind, when Dan took the hidden kept razor blade from his jeans pocket.

He had survived, somebody had called an ambulance at some point and his leg injury from the gunshot was able to be fixed yet, but he had been too traumatized so it didn't really do any good.

When he had woken up, his mind was filled with the images, feelings and memories of the happening just before passing out. It had been too much for him.

Dan stopped walking when he was on the bridge, at the spot where his friend had left him unwillingly.

He hadn't been here since, but now this was a good time to come back to follow her...and his family.

He smiled amongst tears, good memories flashing through his mind from this place. The cold was making his skin paler getting through and it made him feel better.

Dropping his jacket on the ground he sat on the edge of the bridge. The snow came through his jeans and the more he became cold, the more numb he became physically and mentally.

He would have been too scared to just jump, and it wouldn't have been enough.

With a shiver he took his hoody off too, staring at his now bare wrists. The people he was doing this for kept him going, placing the blade on his wrist.

He couldn't believe he was finally doing this.

Here goes nothing, he thought, as he pressed with his other shaking hand the blade on his wrist and gasped sharply, wincing of the pain.

It reminded him of the previous pain shot at him here last time and he smiled again even if the tears flowed rapidly.

It was good pain, he convinced himself. He was incredibly sickened at the blood, like he had always been, and only that made him dizzy, not mentioning the deeper and longer cut he had meant to do at first.

With the shaking hand, because of cold and pain, he did the same to his other wrist.

Sobbing and breathing harshly, he looked down to the frozen river. Just when he was about to pass out, he would jump. Or jump wasn't the right word, he would fall.

The fall would be enough next, and he wanted for this to be over already. He stood up with wobbly feet, his red fluid gushing hands dropping to his sides.

Just as he was letting himself drop off, feeling the darkness take him over already, and closed his eyes to be able to take the few small steps into the air, steps to the better...

"W-what the hell's fuck are you doing?" a voice growled somewhere behind him, stopping him on his tracks.

Read the full chapter in (link in my bio)

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