After Mondatta

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"Lena hold still!" Mercy (Angela) said nearly screaming at Tracer (Lena). With a wince and a ping the bullet was out of Lena's shoulder and in the metal pan.
"There". Angela sighed while wrapping Lena's shoulder up. "Please be careful Lena, ja? You never know if the next would be fatal". Lena sighed and looked up to meet Angela's eyes, "yea I understand".Angela looked relived, she didn't want another argument about her. "Okay you are free to go." With that Lena stood up, grabbed her jacket and left the med bay with a wave of her hand as in saying thanks to Angela.
Lena unlocked her apartment door, she couldn't get the night out of her head. No. She couldn't get her out of her head. She threw her keys to the counter, her apartment dark but dimly lit due to her chrono accelerator. She made her way to the kitchen, flicked the lights on and noticed a note out of the corner of her eye. She headed over to the counter where the letter rest, she examined it only seeing purple lipstick on the front of it. "Ugh" she muttered as she tore it open frustrated that there was no name or indication of who the letter belonged too. Unfolding the paper she read

I know this isn't the best heart-to-heart letter, for I am incapable of that so far. So here we go.
I noticed that the bullet was unnecessary but I got you out in time, before the talon ship came. But I realized that hurt you, so I'm sorry.
                                                - Cherie

Lena clutched the note tightly, not wanting to let go. She knew exactly how this was from. "I knew it!" Lena shouted out to her empty apartment. "The others wouldn't believe me but I know you are not gone." She started to tear up. "I won't give up on you Amelie." Little did Lena know the she was being watched through her window by the person who gave her the letter, across another building. Widow could she Lena practically jumping with joy.

"Good Cherie, don't give up on me."
And with that Widow turned, grappled, and left into the darkness.

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