Please save her

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*everyone is referring to their call signs since they are in a mission*

Widow was on the roof just laying here as her breathing got ragged. As Phara and Mercy took to the skies, they noticed Widow and immediately flew to her. Without hesitation Mercy already began to attempt to heal her wounds, while Phara comed Tracer to get to the east building.

*Okay name change now*

Lena was already at the building making her way to the roof. As she burst open the door leading to the roof she saw Angela tending to.... no. Lena turned pale. She was already at Amelie's side. "What happened??!?!" Lena realized that it was Amelie who shot the Talon Troops off her. "Why would you do that!?!?" Lena questioned. Amelie whispered, "remember you're worth it." Amelie slowly began to close her eyes. "No Amelie stay awake." Lena's voice was cracking up. Angela turned to her, "okay for some reason she already had wounds from a previous time which has put her into critical condition." She looked Lena straight into the eyes. "Go finish the mission and me and Fareeha will retreat with Amelie." Lena was stunned and furious, "You expect me to leave her?!?!?"
Before Angela could argue they heard Amelie whisper, "Go Lena... for me." She began to close her eyes again. "Okay okay okay." Lena stated rushed. Lena zipped off leaving Amelie with Angela. "Okay Fareeha you will take Amelie and fly her to the ship, I'll glide behind and provide cover fire." Angela commanded. "Alright lets do this." Fareeha agreed and they took to the skies, headed toward the ship. Fareeha comed her mother. "Mom we are headed to the ship in a retreat. We..... we have Amelie."
"What?" Was her mother's reply.
"I know I know, but she's injured, so finish the mission and meet us back we'll explain everything." Ana only just shut off her coms link.

Talon retreated cause Overwatch had a back up plan of using multiple vehicles that look the same while transporting the speaker to safety. So Talon failed to locate the correct vehicle and before they knew it they lost the target. "We need to head back" Ana said to Jack. "Yea I know, wait why do you have that face?" Jack questioned.
"Um you aren't going to like this." On the way to the ship Ana explained everything with Amelie.

A troubled Widow Where stories live. Discover now