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*At the Talon base*

Widow awoke in a dark room.
"What is the meaning of this!" She was furious. "Hahaha" Doomfist chuckled "you have been getting distracted."
"What do you mean I can't get 'distracted' with the way you guys conditioned me" Widow glared at Doomfist.
"LIES!!" He punched the wall, "WE LOST THE ARTIFACT CAUSE OF YOU" He practically spat in her face. "Looks like you need another recondition" he chuckled once more. Widow started to panic as a man on a white coat with googles walked up to her from the darkness of the concrete room. He quickly stabbed into her arm a needle releasing a clear liquid into her blood stream. "Non... pls" Widow said weakly. The drugs already taking affect. "This is your punishment, hopefully this will remind you of whose side you are on." Doomfist smiled and waved his hand as people with knives, hammers, tweezers, needles, and more torture devices walked up to her grinning. Widow shook with fear. "Ahhh" Doomfist began, "so you DO feel emotion, hmmmm not anymore." And with that the people attacked,beat, and poked Widow with their devices, leaving her defenseless, but she did not scream she wanted to prove that she was not weak and also didn't want to give them that satisfaction. Doomfist walked out the room, as he went out of ear shot Sombra turned to Reaper. Where they both watched through a window, "Reaper this isn't right amigo."
"Hmmmm" was all that came out of Reaper as he continued to watch Widows torture.
Lena tossed and turned in bed. She couldn't sleep as she tried to think of a way to help Amelie from Talons clutches.

A troubled Widow Where stories live. Discover now