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The morning started, Amelie was up first and already changed into a tank top and cargo pants. She seemed out of style in them than her usual Talon uniform. Lena was starting to wake up and already had her chrono accelerator on when Amelie was in the bathroom, she decided to take the opportunity and change while Amelie was in there. Amelie came out and smiled at Lena as Lena walked into the bathroom for her turn.  Once they we're ready, Lena went to show Amelie around the base. As they walked Lena was worried cause Amelie acted like last night never happened but she didn't want to push Amelie..... yet. In order for Lena to help she needed to know the demons Amelie faced.

Lena showed Amelie around the base and how each floor is a different section.
First floor is the bunkers with cafeteria, second is the med-lab and bay, third is conference and main HQ. While the forth floor was the roof combined with training areas. The roof for explosives and ultimate practices, and inside for sparring and practice range.

After grabbing bananas and yogurt for breakfast, the two headed up all the way to the training area where they met Ana, Jack, Angela, and Fareeha. Ana and Jack wanted to see how far Amelie could be pushed combat wise, while Angela was there for medical record and Fareeha accompanied her. Ana greeted the two, "Good morning, are you ready Amelie?"
Amelie nodded with a blank face. "Good cause for now your sparring partner is Jack. He volunteered." Amelie looked nervously at Jack but nodded once more.
Angela walked up to Amelie with a tiny circle deceive, the size of a dime. "I will put this on the back of your neck to monitor vitals, ja?" Amelie stared at the device. Lena squeezed Amelie's shoulder and Amelie gained confidence. "Okay then." And with that Angela placed the device at the base of the back of her neck.

Lena was sweating already. "Are you sure, she couldn't just spar with me!?!" Lena pleaded. Ana shook her head no, "nonsense."
Jack and Amelie went to a huge mat in the center of the room, it looked about 20 to 20 feet.

Amelie took a few deep breaths, I must control myself, I cannot lose control. Jack cracked his knuckles, forcing Amelie out of her thoughts. They both got into a defensive position.
Ana whistled and it begun. Both Jack and Amelie walking circles. Jack made the first move and swung while Amelie ducked, at the same time she rose her foot and kicked around to where a sneaker met Jacks face. Jack stumbled back but came back into the fight even quicker. The fight continued as both exchanged punches and kicks. Amelie was getting fueled by every blow she landed on Jack.
I must slow down. As she thought this Jack got her in the gut. Amelie went down on one knee but immediately got back up, her adrenaline fueling her.

Angela looked worriedly at her screen. Monitoring Amelie's vitals she noticed a rise in her endorphins as well as adrenaline seemed to power Amelie's body. She pulled Ana to the side to have a private conversation. "Ana we should stop this, Amelie seems to be enjoying hurting Jack. But not in a good way, like in a way she craves it." Ana looked at her wide eyed. "What?"
With that statement Angela said the realization hit Ana like a truck. "They didn't make her into an assassin, they made her into a psychopath."

Btw, if I have any mistakes pls let me know but also remember I am human. I want to know so that for future people who read this it will be edited and neatly made. Thx :)

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