Wake up

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*2 days after Amelie's surgery*

"Hmmm the injuries must have been worse than I thought if she still hasn't woken up." Angela said while looking through files. Currently only the girls were at base cause the guys went out on a mission in Numbani.

Lena is absolutely restless, she couldn't eat,sleep, anything cause her guilt and worry rose every second Amelie was unconscious.

*beep beep beep beep*

Everyone's attention went to the bed Amelie was on as they watched her toss and turn in her sleep. Lena got even more worried, "what's going on?!??"
"She's having nightmares and flashbacks, help me hold her down so I can sedate her." They did as Angela said. Amelie once again laid still. Lena curled up next to Amelie on the bed.

*2 hours pass*

"Come eat." Fareeha said but it was more of a command. "Ugh Alright." Lunch passed. So did another day.

They were all in the med-bay. Angela and Fareeha giggling about their conversation and Ana was reading a book while sipping tea. Lena was currently in a chair sitting next to Amelie's bed. Suddenly...


Amelie jolted her breathing was heavy. She grabbed the nearest sharp object she could find. It was a scalpel, she sat up in a defensive pose making her wince in pain. Startling Lena "easy luv, you'll hurt yourself."
Amelie stares at her with wide eyes. "I will not fall for your Talon torture again." Amelie's eyes were cold. Angela butted in "Amelie stop you are recovering. You'll open your wounds." Amelie looked down towards her stomach then back at them.
"That's not my name! Last time that name was said I got beaten and tortured." Lena looked at Amelie and whispered. "I said that name." Amelie attempted to get up but her left leg was in a cybernetic cast.
"Now you have trapped me in a machine." Amelie husky voice stated. Before Amelie even finished that statement, Angela noticed Amelie's eyes were glazed over. Almost glassy looking. It hit her, she knew what was happening. "Lena stay back she doesn't recognize any of us! She's in a state of shock and her mind and body are doing the fight or flight mode. She's basically having illusions and hallucinations due to that shock. It's like if she is living in a nightmare right now " Angela yelled through out the room. "How do we snap her out of it?!?" Lena was panicking.
"We have to kick start her mind somehow." They all just stared as Amelie struggled. "Release me!" Amelie seemed to have fear In her eyes. "Please, no more, I can't handle more torture." She began to sob. Then she did the unthinkable, she brung the scalpel to her throat. At this instant Lena didn't think she only reacted, she blinked towards Amelie. Their lips collided into a kiss, Amelie gasped due to this and dropped the scalpel over the bed and onto the floor. Their kiss continued as the others watched.

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