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Everyone exited the room while Lena followed Amelie to the training floor. As soon as Amelie entered she immediately grabbed her rifle, that Torbjorn fixed up for her, and began shooting targets on the ground, ceiling, and walls. Lena stayed back until Amelie stopped to reload. Lena gently placed a hand on Amelie's shoulder and Amelie tensed under Lena's touch but then relaxed. Amelie placed her rifle down and faced Lena. Lena could see lust in her eyes, the same lust she saw when Amelie sparred with Jack a month and a half ago. The lust for blood. On instinct Lena took a step back, "Don't Amelie." Amelie gave her a confused look, trying to play it off. Lena got frustrated, "don't play dumb. I can see it in your eyes, you won't kill him, you'll only become him!" Lena referred to Doomfist. Amelie shouted. "I'm already like him Cherie. I have already killed people and-." Lena cut her off. "No you are not Widowmaker anymore you are Amelie and you know you didn't chose to do those things like how Doomfist choose to do them. That's the difference between you and him. He choose to do those bad things while you didn't! And do you think I'm okay with not killing him, he took away the woman I loved and tortured her. I mean I just got you back." Lena was on the brim of tears. Amelie's eyes were now filled with sympathy and understanding. Amelie never really thought of how Lena felt of the situation. Amelie stepped up to Lena and hugged her. "Okay Cherie, you're right. I never considered your feelings toward him also, and you're right I am back." They both stood there in each other's arms. Lena sniffed, "Just promise you won't kill him, it's not right. We need to serve him justice but not like that. I know it's hard for you but it's hard for me too." Amelie whispered into Lena's ear. "I promise Cherie, as long as you stay away from him."

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