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*2 weeks later*
Watch point Gilbratar

"Alright we got a mission" Jack says as everyone gathers around. "We are going to the temple of Anubis, cause Talon is trying to infiltrate and claim an artifact, but we don't know what kind of artifact. Whatever it is just don't let them have it, so if you couldn't tell this is a payload mission. Winston you will stay behind and with the help of Athena watch our backs with coms. While the rest of us will head out." He turned and headed to the locker to gather gear, so did everyone else.

This is my chance. Lena thought before suiting up.

They arrived but it was quiet, too quiet.
Jack broke the silence "Alright me, Ana, and Reinhardt with go in and search, while Mercy and phara take to the skies, Torbjorn set up a turret and keep a lookout for Talon. Com us when you notice anything and Lena, you will flank and meet us around the back after our search. Alright let's go!"

Everyone split up into positions. Nothing happened yet, until.....


A bullet, Lena was the only one who heard it which meant it was near her. She scanned the area, she wants to call everyone on coms but she also wants to do this herself.

Blinking around Lena saw nothing until she noticed the red glow of a visor on top of one of the statues. She gasped and ran there. Looking up at the statue she yelled "Amelie!" But only saw the sniper point down towards her, then Amelie grappled to a flat platform across the way. Lena quickly followed. Lena scanned the area as she was about to check it for the third time now, she felt a sudden force push her  against the wall.

"Cherie you can't just shout my real name like that, it's Widowmaker on missions."
Widowmaker said firmly. "But I only see you on missions." Lena retaliated.
"True" Widow sighed. "Anyways Overwatch is willing to accept you, you must come." Lena said in a rush. "I can't"
Widow said disappointed in her answer.     
"Why not!?!?" Lena said on the brink of tears. "As long as I'm in Talon I can make sure that they won't get you." Widow stated while staring deeply into Lena's eyes with her own Golden ones. "I can protect you! I don't matter!" Lena had tear streaming down her face now. "No Cherie, you matter deeply to me. Don't ever say that again, no matter what Talon will get me and I can't have them doing to you what they did to me." Widow pauses turning away. "The torture, the drugs, the fear." Lena visibly shuddered. "That's why I have to stay, like I said as long as I'm there they can't get you cause I won't let them." Widow turned ready to leave. "We have a mission to do, Lena don't follow me so you don't get hurt." Widow jumped off the platform, before Lena could react there was a hiss sound and Lena went in a coughing fit from Widows venom mine before collapsing and blacking out.

A troubled Widow Where stories live. Discover now