Chapter Sixteen

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"Zak? Where are you?" I called. The inside of the asylum was even colder than the outside, my teeth began to chatter. I had probably been walking for at least ten minutes and I hadn't even found a single camera or anything telling me that any of the guys were or had been in the East Wing of the asylum.

"Anybody?" I whispered. The wind wisped through the empty corridors, causing me to shiver. My flashlight began to flicker for the third time, so I started to hit it with my hand.

"Come 'on, come 'on!" I said as I banged it with my cold hands, but instead of it returning to it normal brightness, it died.

"Seriously?" I grunted, as soon as I made the noise someone mimicked the same grunt from behind me. I spun around in fear, but I couldn't see anything, it was too soon for my eyes to adjust.

"Hello? Anybody there?" I squinted my eyes to see further down the corridor, I swear I saw someone move at least 40ft down the hallway. "I saw you move! Who are you!" I yelled. I know I saw someone move.

It all happened so fast. I took one step toward the end of the hallway, only to hear the same grunt I had heard seconds earlier, then someone began running at me. The sound of heavy booted footsteps bounced off the broken tiled floor and came toward me. In response, I shrieked, crouched down and hugged myself waiting for someone, or something to attack me. But nothing came.

After I calmed down my breathing and heart rate, I stood up, and found no one was there; the hallway was empty besides me.

I felt like crying. I had never experienced this before, this all was so new. I rubbed my face with my hands and let out a deep shaky breath.

'You just have to find Zak'

I looked down the hallway again and yelled. "Stay the fuck away from me!" I knew it was probably a bad idea to aggravate the spirits, but I was pissed, scared, tired and, cold. I just wanted to find Zak.

Just as I turned around to face the opposite side of the hallway and continue my journey through the asylum, a sudden stinging feeling came over my cheek and neck. When I touched it, it was burning hot.

"What the fuck" I whispered. I needed to get out of this hallway as fast as I could. So I ran as fast as possible, not before I heard the spirits said their goodbyes.

"Buh-bye Charlie" they whispered.


My face was still burning by the time I reached the fourth floor. My eyes had adjusted to the dark just enough I could tell where I was going. I was definitely lost. I knew I had probably been wandering around for at least an hour or more. I also knew that it definitely wasn't Zak who called for me to come into the asylum. My best guess was that the guys were on the complete other side of the Asylum. I was definitely in the East Wing; last I saw they were in the West Wing. From what I'd seen in the rooms and scattered throughout the hallways, this was probably where they kept the elderly and children. Old and rotting away toys were littered all over the place; headless dolls, limbless teddy bears, you name it. The place was falling apart, the ceiling looked like it was going to cave in at any second and I still had two floors above me.

Jay would've been back at the bus by now. The minute he figured I was gone I know he would've alerted my dad and the rest of the guys.

"Please find me" I muttered. I slid my back against the wall, hugged my knees to my chest and rested my head between them. I was getting so cold.

I began to hum that same tune I was singing while wondering the outside of the bus.

Now lay me down to sleep

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