chapter 32

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Both Josh and I had our "episodes". 

Sometimes I'd wake up with the worst headache I'd ever felt. Sometimes I'd see him clutching his chest. One particular night, however, I heard quiet sobs coming from his room.

"Josh?" I whispered, creeping out of bed. Tyler remained asleep. "Josh. You okay?"

"It hurts," he whispered, not even trying to hide it like he usually did. "It hurts worse."

"Come with me." I helped him up and walked him to the couch. He laid down and I pressed my hand to his forehead. He shivered. "You have a fever."

"I'm cold," he whispered. I placed a blanket on top of him and handed him the remote. He smiled weakly. "Thank you."

"Put on a show. I'll get you some cold water. It'll help your chest pains." I also grabbed a washcloth and cooled it down from the faucet. I hoped that it would help his fever. The doctors said that occasional fevers were normal, but if it was above 104 degrees to take him in. I grabbed a thermometer.

I walked over to him and placed the glass and the washcloth on the table. He opened his mouth and I inserted the thermometer. It beeped, and I checked it.

"102 degrees. If it doesn't get better by the morning, I'll take you in. Drink this." I helped him sit up and handed him the glass. He sipped it.

"Thanks, (Y/N)," he said quietly, scrolling through Netflix. I placed the cold cloth on his forehead.

"Let me know if you need anything, alright?" I kissed his cheek softly. "Goodnight."


I crawled back into bed, cuddling against Tyler. I slept. Josh got better.

Two days later, I awoke in a cold sweat. Instantly, I shot up and ran as fast as fast I could towards the trash can. I puked up my entire dinner and whatever else I had managed to choke down that day.

"Shh, shhh, it's okay," Tyler whispered, rubbing my back and holding my hair. "Are you alright?" I nodded meekly and wiped my lips on the back of my hand. He reached for the garbage can, but I waved his hand away.

"I'll clean it," I mumbled, gagging as I was hit by another wave of nausea. He scooped me up and carried me to the couch.

"No you won't." This time, it was my turn to have a my temperature taken. "A fever. As I suspected." He offered me a blanket, but I was burning hot. He set it on the edge of the couch.

"I know you're hot, but drink this," Josh said, handing me a cup of tea. "Don't drink it all. And don't drink it fast or you'll puke. But it'll make you feel better." I nodded and smiled as Tyler placed a fresh bucket by the couch. And a washcloth on my head.

The washcloth instantly soothed my pounding headache. I cautiously sipped at the tea as I watched old episodes of Stranger Things, smiling to myself. I insisted that I was fine and sent Tyler and Josh back to bed. Throughout the night, I was hot and then cold and then nauseous then hot then puking and so on and so on.

The next morning, I felt hazy. Dizzy. Sick. Like I couldn't quite tell what was going on. I was sweating buckets but felt as if I were in the Antarctic without a coat. My throat felt as if it It had been deprived of all water and scratched with sandpaper.

She was ridiculously pale. She was almost the same color as the white sheets I had on our bed. She had three blankets and was shivering. She couldn't speak because of her throat and was reduced to a whisper. She could barely sip half a mug of water without vomiting. Her fever was high.

Fearfully, I called her routine doctor. I explained the situation, and they told me to take her in. They told me it sounded like the flu, and she just needed antibiotics. I readied a plastic bag and some clothes.

"You ready, baby girl?" I asked.

"Yes," she whispered back. "Five more minutes. My head hurts."

"Only because I love you," I answered. I quickly downed a bowl of cereal and checked the time. 8:32 AM. "Come on, (Y/N)." She didn't answer. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" I rushed over to her.

Her eyes were tightly shut and her body was limp. She had dropped the remote and the cup. She had passed out.

I picked up the phone and dialed 911 as quickly as I could.

The ambulances were on their way.

I sat down, squeezing her hand, and prayed. Prayed that she was okay. Prayed that she wouldn't need surgery or to stay in the hospital.

"I love you, baby girl. Don't ever forget it."

I followed her into the back of the ambulance and all the way into the hospital.

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