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"Sana's watching him. Constantly she watches him."

Saint Peter stops pacing and looks at Momo. "Has she stopped crying?"

Dahyun answers for Momo, anxious and worried. "No, sir." Her voice is tight with tension and her glance ever did stray to the angel who is kneeling at a cloud's edge looking down on the world below them.

"Been like that since she came here."Nayeon chimes in mournfully. Her intuition had been correct. Their friend went and fell in love with the human. Nayeon isn't happy to be right.

St. Peter sighs then moves across the clouds with the three angels floating in his wake, whispering to themselves.

"I wish Sana unnie didn't have to fall in love. She's SO miserable right now, it breaks my heart just to see her like this." Dahyun cries out to both of her unnies, muttering darkly about it being Sehun's fault.

Nayeon swats Dahyun's arm and rolls her eyes. "Like it's his fault in the first place?"

"But it's his fault!"

"Dahyun-ah, you can't make anybody fall in love with anyone else by force- He's as miserable as Sana is. Can't you see?" Momo chides the young angel.

St. Peter only listens with half an ear as he continues walking. He finally reaches where Sana is kneeling, clutching at the rim of a cloud with white knuckled hands and peering intently over the edge. So intently that Sana doesn't even notice the Guardian of the Gates' presence.

St. Peter, though, notices everything about the angel. He notices how Sana's halo has no glow and how Sana's wings seem to droop downwards like a flower whose petals are badly bruised. He clears his throat.

Sana raises her head and looks up at St. Peter with swollen eyes, the tears she couldn't stop, a mute testimony of her pain. "He's at the park, calling my name." She tells.

St. Peter looks down at the mortal world and agrees with Sana quietly. "So I see."

Sana bites her lip and watches Sehun whose head is bent down in defeat. Sehun's hands are shoved in his coat pockets and snow is falling all around him as he walks with leaden steps from the park. "He's alone and lost. Can't I help him? Can't you or someone else help him? He's lost everyone."

"Some people have a harder road to travel, Sana."

Sana looks up at St. Peter. "I never really knew what heaven was until I found Sehun."

A smothered sniffle issues from behind and St. Peter looked at Dahyun who is unable to hold back the tears herself. Momo puts an arm around the young angel and pats her comfortingly.

St. Peter felt the pressure of a weighted gaze on him so he turns to meet Nayeon's gruff eyes.

/Give her a chance to find love for herself. Please ask Our Father in our behalf. We will bear what burden would result. Just let her go back to the human. Please./

St. Peter shakes his head at Nayeon. /It is not our place to question the wisdom of Our Father, Nayeon. But do not worry, Our father in His infinite wisdom always has a plan. Now go and take the others with you. I will deal with Sana./

Nayeon bows and quietly ushers the two away. When the others are gone, St. Peter turns back to Sana to find Sana's shoulders shaking. The poor angel is now hiccuping as she looks downward. "He's at the church now, praying. Hear him?" Sana pauses. "I can hear him."

Saint Peter sits down on the rim of the cloud as he looks down on the world below. He turns his gaze to one man in particular-a dark and empty shape of a man.

St. Peter is quiet, looking at Sana for the longest time. After an eternal minute, he clears his throat and says in a gruff voice, "So, Sana. Tell me about your young man."

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