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~+~Your POV~+~

It was a cold night outside. Ruby and I were bored so we decided to go to some place she knew. She led me to a dust shop. The place itself was pretty cool but the name was pretty cringy... 'from Dust till Dawn'. Now, I may be in for a pun from time to time, but this one was just BAD. Still better than Yang's puns though, just need to make sure not to tell her that. I may be fast, but that doesn't mean that I want to deal with an angry Yang. Anyway, Ruby and I had decided that we didn't need any social interaction, so we put our headphones on and went to the back of the shop. There we found multiple magazines on weapons, and while I may not be as 'passionate' about weapons as Ruby, I still can appreciate a good weapon design. Some of them were REALLY cool. Even the music seemed to agree as the beat dropped at a chainsaw that could change into a minigun! I, no both of us got so absorbed in our separate magazines that we didn't realize what was happening (You should really know what happens by now). While I was calmly reading my magazine, I could hear Wolfe's voice in the back of my head.

In head

Wolfe: (y/n)?

(y/n): Good to know that you're still alive...
Wolfe: I can't believe I'm doing this
(y/n): Okay, okay but why'd you call?
 Wolfe: I can feel some bad people, and I don't like it.
(y/n): So?
Wolfe: I want you to stay on your guard, because if you die, I die.
(y/n): Anything else?
Wolfe: Yes, maybe try letting me out from time to time, Maybe than I would actually start to like you. You keep me bottled up in here!

(y/n): Highly unlikely, do you remember last time?
Wolfe: Actually I don't, I forgot...
(y/n): REALLY!!! *sigh* Well, we couldn't keep control over our body because we were both fighting over control, and eventually You won and sent Tai flying into a wall.
Wolfe: That wasn't that bad.
(y/n): Rae had to knock us out!!! And you didn't feel the strain on my body, did you?
Wolfe: Of course not, to feel the physical pain I need to be in control. Which I never am!!!
(y/n): Let's just say that getting stabbed didn't seem like a bad at that time...
Wolfe: Hey uhm, when are you going to realize that ruby is fighting a thug while you're just standing here?
(y/n): WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me earlier!!!
Wolfe: You didn't ask!

(y/n): I don't know if you can tell, but I'm giving you a death glare right now...

Back to outside of your head

I quickly turned off the music, and headed towards ruby, who was now fighting some thugs outside of the shop. As I walked through the door I heard some ginger haired guy say something about splitting ways, before flipping his cane's underside up and aiming at ruby. I got in front of ruby and split the bullet/grenade in two by cutting it. This unfortunately didn't get me completely unscathed out of it. While Ruby was fine and was smiling at me, I could feel the strain from catching an explosion to the face. I fell to one knee, and panted for a while.

Ruby: (y/n)!!! Are you okay?!
(y/n): I'll live, just give me a minute.
ruby: *to the shopkeeper* You okay if I go after them?

The shopkeeper merely reacted by giving a quick nod.

(y/n): Don't you dare go after him wit---

Before I finished she had already left.

(y/n): On days like these I really hate not having aura...

As I climbed up the ladder I heard some explosions, which made me worry and increase my speed. Sure it hurt like hell to strain my already hurting body even more, but I couldn't forgive myself if anything were to happen to Ruby. I arrived just in time to see some lady in with a purple skirt and a white blouse and ruby get blasted by some fire from the ground. At that moment my mind went blank, an my blood ran cold.

A Rose's Wolfe  (RWBY Ruby X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now