Second chance: Part 74

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She tried to escape but it was impossible. The mental chains had hurted her wrists and her wrists had started to bleed. She was really tired and her body hurted. The col mental against her skin made her freeze. She had given up to try escape. She could only think about Tony and Avery. Would they survive? Would he shoot Avery infront of them? How hurt was Avery? Tony will he try to save me? I will probably do but then he will end up dead like me. Maybe the bomb blow us all up? Avery... Tony.... Questions ran through in her head.

Tom walked down with Avery. He had his gun pointed at her head as he opened the front door. Gibbs, Tony, McGee, Abby and Ellie stood ready and waited for him. "Where's Ziva?" Tony asked. "Upstairs" Tom answered and laughed. "Put down your guns if you want Avery alive." Gibbs, Tony and McGee out their guns down. "Now let her go" Tony said. "Listen carefully. I'll go to my car with her, and if you try anything I'll shoot her. I'll let her go when I'm at my car and you will let me drive away." They all nodded. Tom walked to his car with Avery, he opened the door and sat down. He let go of Avery and closed the car door and speeded away. Avery ran to Tony. He picked her up and hugged her. She cried onto his shoulder. "Shhh princess. Your safe and mommy will be too" he said with a caring voice as he rubbed her back. Avery screamed. Gibbs saw the blood on her back and lifted her sweater up a little. He saw some deep and bloody wounds. "She need to see a doctor" he said. Avery cried more and more and Tony tried to calm her down. "Shhh..." "Mommy" she sniffled. "She, she will... die...." Avery sobbed. "No" Ellie said and stroked her forehead. "A.. bomb..." Tony looked at Gibbs. "Ellie take Avery. You all have to leave. I'll go in." Tony said and handed Avery to Ellie. "I'm not leaving" Gibbs said. "Yes you all are leaving. I want you alive." McGee took Abby, Ellie and Avery to his car and drove to Gibbs's place. "Gibbs you go too!" "No." "I want you alive. I need someone that can take care of Avery if we die." Tony said. After a long time Tony convinced Gibbs to drive away too. Tony walked in to their house. He checked downstairs first then went up. He tried to open Avery's door but it was looked. "Go away Tony, please." He heard Ziva say from the other side of the door. Tony kicked it in. "Ziva" he said and ran to her. He could see that she had been crying since were red and sore, her hair was a mess and her wrists was bloody. "Your alright?" He asked and smiled gently. "You have to leave..." she whispered. "I'm not leaving without you!" "You have to! Tom attached a bomb on my back." He walked to her back and saw the bomb. Tony stood quiet. "How long..?" "9 minutes and 41 seconds." "There are still time for you to get out" Ziva said. "I'm not leaving you. How many times do I have to tell you that?" He said as he walked to her other side, facing her. He looked her into her eyes and said "I'm not leaving you." "Tony please" she said. "No. We can do this together" he said as he walked to her back. "What are you doing, Tony? You can't disble a bomb, or can you?" "Eh... na, no not really... but you can." He took up his phone and took a photo of the bomb. He show the picture to Ziva. "We can disable it together." Ziva took a deep breath and looked at the picture. "You have to lift up the timer.." she said and he walked back. Tony followed her steps closly. He slowly removed the timer and looked underneath, he saw wires in different colors. Ziva tried to not move but it was hard because her feet hurted. Tony took another photo and showed it to her. "Which wire do I have to cut?" She looked at the picture and started to feel nervous. "You can do this Ziva, I know you can. You have disabled many bombs." he said softly. "How long do we have?" "Doesn't matter. Look closly, which wire should I cut?" "You must figure out which one of the wires is attach to the timer and the explosive." Tony walked to her back and searched through the wires carefully. "Both the black and the red wire to the timer and bomb." He said after a long time. "How long do we have?" "2 minutes and 16 seconds" he said as he walked to her front. He looked her in the eyes. "What happens if I cut the wrong wire?" "The bomb explodes...." she said low. He could see the panic in her eyes. "It's not an option.." "I know you don't want to hear this but you have to go. There is still time for you to leave, then at least, one of us is alive and Avery have a dad." Ziva said softly. "I won't leave you..." he said and patted her cheek carefully. He walked to her back again. "Black or red, Ziva?" He said as he hold the two wires in his hand. "I really don't know, Tony.." she said slowly. "How long...?" Tony looked at the timer and said "11 seconds...." Ziva's eyes were filled with tears. "Cut the red one!" She finally said. With 4 seconds left, Tony let go of the black wire. He closed his eyes and cut the red wire...

Cliffhanger !!

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