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"YA! PARK KYUNG!" Kyung turned his head around and saw Zico who was looking at him the whole time. A smirk was showing from his pale face.

"Oh-oh you're definitely dead" Taeil leaned towards Kyung a bit and whispered into his ears. His eyes were still glaring at Zico's face who was ready to punch someone.

Kyung's heart was beating really fast, didn't know what to do. He knew that he would be a dead meat that time. However, he decided to just ignore Zico and turned his head towards Taeil again.

Kyung's hand were shaking as it moved, trying to grab the apple juice from the table. He drank his apple juice calmly even if he knew that it would probably be his last meal.

"Kyungiee what the hell are you doing, that rich brat called you, you should respond to him" Taeil said, still whispering. There were no way of him calling Zico a brat right in front of his face.

"No Hyung, I won't respond him." Kyung frowned. "He's coming closer you know" Taeil said, his eyes were glaring onto Kyung's back.

Kyung's shoulder suddenly felt grabbed, making him turned around just to see Zico, giving his devil smile. Kyung on the other side, was so startled that his body unconsciously stood up, swiping Zico's hand off from his shoulder.

Kyung was sweating and fetl really nervous at that time. Zico was still glaring at him deathly, making Kyung calculated the chances of things that probably would have happened to him. After enduring the uneasy feeling for a few minutes, Kyung decided to run all of his life out towards the school's backyard.

Kyung knew that he wouldn't have survived if he fought with Zico. This made him ran as fast as he can, leaving Zico with a startled look. Zico let out a "tsk" sound and immediately chased Kyung's down. It was really easy for Zico to chase Kyung, knowing that Kyung literally never got the first place when it comes to running.

"Jha Park Kyung! Why did you ran away?!" Zico grabbed Kyung's arm and twirled him towards his sight. "Wae? I like Running!" Not knowing what to say, Kyung decided to give this answer, which sounded unbelievable to Zico.

"Ha? You think You can fool me?? You don't even like running!" Zico pulled Kyung closer into his direction, shouting harsh words. "Wait what? How do you know that" Kyung put out a confused expression, facing the taller one who was still ready to beat his ass down.

"Aish! Whatever! Forget what I said!" Zico let go of Kyung's wrist and pushed him back, making Kyung even more confused. "You just ruined my plan to become cool damn it!" Zico continued. His hand were crossed in front of his chest, while eyes rolling.

"What planned?! Ya! Are you crazy?!" Kyung was being angry and didn't realize that his hand was pointing towards Zico. It seemed like Kyung had forgotten why Zico decided to chase him down. "Park Kyung" Zico said, feeling disrespected towards Kyung last reaction. "What?!" Kyung glared back at Zico, indirectly telling him that he wasn't afraid.

"Did you enjoy your lunch? Did it tastes good?" Zico's eyes started to move around, scanning Kyung from his hesd to toe. Zico then put one of his hand inside his pocket while the other one was behind his head, scratching it.

"It did. Wae? Did you put something in it?" Kyung narrowed his eyes, giving Zico his suspicious look. Deep inside, Kyung was sure that Zico probably had lost his mind for asking such an unrealistic question at time like this.

However, Kyung suddenly remembered again the reason why Zico faced him. He started to panic. Sweats were getting out of his face. Even if he tried to act cool by wiping his sweats  away, it still didn't work out. His face were already too pale, unable to cover up his afraidness.

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