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"Dude, I am fucking straight." Zico narrowed both of his small eyes and glared deathly at Kyung. He didn't expect such treatment coming out from Kyung's mind.

Zico knew that he must be responsible when he decided to take whatever the consequences were. However, being Kyung's boyfriend? That had definitely crossed the line. He couldn't believe that Kyung was such an easy person to satisfy. He was disappointed of Kyung's decision in term of trying to make fun of him at school by being gay.

"I had problems with Eunha."

Zico was about to leave but Kyung's suddenly spoke. This made Zico stopped moving and went back into Kyung's direction. He knew that by hearing Kyung's own reason, his previous thoughts wouldn't be a hundred percent true now.

"What happened." Zico said with a cold tone.

"We had some misunderstandings." Kyung said as he began to explain the whole story, hoping that Zico would understand his situation and help him in the end.

Along the story, Zico felt somehow envy of Kyung. Even if Zico himself was famous among girls, not even one of them are these sincere. They just want to be famous by dating the hardest-to-get man in the school which was his own title. Meanwhile Kyung, a nerdy guy like him, being surrounded by these truthful girls, including Seolhyun. What did he do in his past life to receive such loves?

"Zico, answer me." Kyung shook Zico's shoulder, bringing him back to the reality.

"Look, here's the case. Can you explain to me, how the hell can I help you by being your boyfriend?" Zico asked, emphasizing on the last word of his sentence. His eyes were narrowed down, signing how skeptic he felt towards Kyung's solution.

"Listen, I know that this may seems stupid but if Eunha thinks that I'm actually 'gay', she would believe that I don't like Seolhyun nor other girls." Kyung explained.

"And why don't you just talk to her, explain everything??" Zico sniffed as he felt that it was only a trivial problem. Kyung shouldn't be worried about it since all he needed to do was just talking, not ranting up about some random solution like this.

"You see, Eunha would probably had hated me so much that she would runaway whenever she sees me." Kyung sighed as he threw his gaze away from Zico, pitying himself for losing his most liked younger sister.

Kyung definitely knew that it was a disaster leading to his friendship and had thought of this plan before hand. If he wanted to clear things up with Eunha, he knew that it should be an indirect attack. Telling her indirectly that he didn't have any feelings to Seolhyun nor other girls by dating a guy would be the best solution he thought.

Kyung didn't hope Zico to say yes since the percentage of him agreeing could only be 0.1% and it was surely harder to convince him on taking the job. However, Kyung had his last hope for Zico in term of being responsible to the bet that they had made before.

"You need to help me." Kyung continued in a low tone. He knew that he wasn't the type of guy who would let his friendship end easily. He would search and find for any solution, just to make both of the sides happy.

On the other side, when Zico stared at Kyung, he was expecting a satisfied face, or maybe the joker one. However, all he could found was a guilty look. An expression which Zico had never seen before from his nerdy friend. The loud, bubbly, and rude attitude Kyung had before seemed to be gone just like that.

He felt like he was stuck in between two situations. The first situation was that he didn't want to help Kyung by being his boyfriend, remembering that it would definitely ruin his godly reputation at school. Like come on, how can a bully suddenly be... gay?

However, he still needed to pay Kyung's back due to their last night accident. If it wasn't for Kyung, he would be a dead meat already. Plus, Zico had already lost in their bet, which means he had to agreed on any of Kyung's requests. Even if it seemed unreasonable such as being a "fake boyfriend."

"Kyung." Zico said, thus making Kyung turned his head and faced his old frenemy. Zico took a deep breath and let it all out. He had his decision made clear.

"I'll be your boyfriend."

Don't u realize that the whole story has been summed up by the last sentences of chapter 21 and 22 ㅋㅋㅋ

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