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"Eunha ssi...." Kyung grabbed Eunha's wrist, preventing her from running even further. "Look, I can explain." Kyung said in a low tone, showing all of his deep emotion. On the other side, Eunha was just standing there, didn't even bother to look at Kyung's face. Seeing him with another girl had already broke her heart into pieces.

"Eunha please..." Kyung walked and stood in front of Eunha. He deeply wanted to hug and give all of his comfort, showing the apologies and explain everything so that there wouldn't be any misunderstanding between them.

"Listen, Seolhyun and I were just talking okay. We were really happy about something and we... we're just friends." Kyung tried to explain, hoping that Eunha would believe his words.

"We don't have any feel--

"STOP" Eunha suddenly yelled before Kyung could finish his sentence. This made Kyung immediately stopped talking and moved further from her. Eunha lifted her head, making their eyes met as they gazed towards each other. Her teary eyes showed all of her disappointment meanwhile Kyung's was showing confusion.

"Answer me." Eunha opened her mouth, making Kyung's heart beat even faster. "Answer what?" Kyung replied, curious on what she was about to ask.

" do you like me? "

The question went right into Kyung's heart as her teary eyes changed into a deep stare instead. Kyung replied back with his blank stare, almost felt like all of his brain cells started malfunctioning one by one, couldn't give any answer. The empty corridor felt even more quiet as he thought on what answer should he give.

"See that? You couldn't even tell your own feeling. How am I suppose to trust you now? This is all was just a lie." After a few minutes, Eunha turned back and walked away furiously, leaving Kyung behind who could only stare at her back as she began to walk even further from him.

Eunha felt that all of the things she had done before was totally useless. He couldn't believe any of Kyung's statements. It was true enough to see that Kyung would never like her back. Not to mention that she was nothing compared to Seolhyun. The hatred started to build up inside her mind, making her ego bigger and forcing back her heart.

However, half of her still begged to stay by Kyung's side, accepting all of his apologies. At that moment, she didn't realized that she couldn't admit her own feeling towards kyung either.

"Just... Friends?"

Kyung turned around, finding Seolhyun stood behind his back, watching his conversation with Eunha all along. She was smiling with a saddened look. Both of her hands were clenching as she tried to prevent her tears from falling down her cheeks. However, it was all too late. Her tears began to fall even before she realized it.

"Seolhyuniee... no, please." Kyung quickly ran and gave her a tight hug. The problem he had created with Eunha before had already filled his mind, creating a never ending ache. He wanted to try all of his best to prevent the exact same thing to happen between him and Seolhyun.

"I'm so sorry." Kyung sighed as he stroke Seolhyun's back gently, trying to comfort her. "It's not that I don't like you or Eunha." Kyung said, right after he had collected all of his bravery, ready to explain everything.

"It's just that... I don't have any feelings for anyone right now. I didn't want to break any of my friendships, whether if it was with you or Eunha." Kyung began to explain as he let all of his thoughts out.

"I hope you understand that." Kyung stroked Seolhyun's hair gently, making her stopped sobbing. After hearing all of his thoughts, Seolhyun pushed him back slowly, letting go of the hug and wiped her tears away.

"I'm sorry. I was too childish." Seolhyun said, letting out a simple smile which made Kyung extremely relieved. "I guess I can understand your feeling." She giggled a bit, trying to laugh everything up even if her heart still aching.

"Now that's the best friend I know." Kyung cupped half of her face and removes her tears with his thumb. He was trying to show his warmest smile in front of her, proving that he was being honest and weren't making anything up.

After that, Kyung decided to take Seolhyun back to her house, making sure that she was safe and sound. All along the way, the sun started to settle down, creating a beautiful night sky as the moon began to rise. Seolhyun who fully understood Kyung's situation didn't create any awkward situation. She agreed that they would still be best friends and nothing could ever change that, not even love.

"Thank you for taking me home." Seolhyun smiled and went inside her house. Kyung waved at her as she walked further inside. Seeing Seolhyun who fully accepted his situation made him even more grateful. Even if he had received more than one problems today, it felt like one of them had gone.

The biggest problem he had to face now was how to explain everything to Eunha. How to see her face to face? His long friendship made him knew how she behaved whenever she's angry. Not to mention on how he remembered how angry she was, she wouldn't even see his face anymore.

Along the way back to his house from Seolhyun's, Kyung could only think about Eunha. He couldn't find any solution. What should he do? How to apology? How to make up with her?

Even if he admitted that he liked Eunha before, being as her real "boyfriend" wasn't inside the plan. The more he thought, the more his feelings as her boyfriend started to fade out. He didn't want their friendship to be broken just because of one stupid romance flowing among them. He only expected to watch and guide her as her older brother, nothing more.


Out of the blue, a loud cursing were heard from Kyung's behind, making him turned around to find a drunk man came out from the corner of the street. He was holding an empty bottle of alcohol, walking towards Kyung.

Kyung could only stand there, feeling scared. Half of him wanted to run away, but his other half knew that if he ran away, that guy would definitely chase him down. That's how aggressive people get when they're drunk.

As Kyung stood frozen there, the drunk man continued to walk even closer towards his direction. Kyung felt unsafe and decided to move backwards slowly, preventing any chances for the drunken man to realize. However, his speed couldn't match with the other ones. Their distance was starting to reduce even more, clearing Kyung's vision of the drunk man's face.


Kyung couldn't believe his eyes and stopped walking backwards right after he had seen the drunken man's face. It was impossible for his eyes to lie in such time and it was definitely Zico who was walking towards him. However, knowing Zico was the person who was drunk made Kyung even more scared. He was afraid that Zico would hurt him, especially after losing at his own bet.

Kyung began to panic and started running, leaving Zico behind as fast as he could. As he ran further, he heard shouting from his back, making his heart beat even more faster. All he could imagine was that Zico chasing him from behind, trying to land his fist right on his face. Shouted were still heard and somehow made Kyung's curious now. Even if he tried not to look back, he couldn't hold it in anymore.

Holy shit. His eyes couldn't believe it. Zico wasn't chasing him at all. The shouting he heard before wasn't actually for him, it was meant for Zico all along. Right in front of his eyes, two men was beating Zico up right on the ground.

Without even thinking, Kyung ran towards Zico. He didn't want anything bad happened to Zico.


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