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As soon as Kyung arrived home, he immediately went inside his room. He locked his door, trying to lay down on his bed. Even if his bed was a king sized bed, he wouldn't feel any comfortable at all. All he kept doing was sitting and laying down, again and again. His mind were wrecked, thinking about the result for his stupid mouth.

"What was I thinking?! AH!" Kyung ruffled his hair furiously.

Making a bet with Zico was the worst thing that he had ever chosen. Of course Seolhyun wouldn't reject him. Kyung had said that Zico had everything with him. Who wouldn't fall for that guy?

Kyung kept on thinking on what would happen to him if he lost the bet. What would be his consequences? He couldn't imagine being with Zico for the rest of his life as his maid. Ugh, that would be a definition of real nightmare that came true. Also, what would Eunha think? She would probably be disgusted and ended up with Jihoon.

Not to mention that tommorow was school and Kyung didn't want to meet Zico or Seolhyun. He do wanted to ask Seolhyun but that would just made him a coward that was afraid of losing. This is the time where he could show his side as a real man.

In the end, Kyung spent the rest of his day doing nothing. Trying to study? The lesson couldn't get into his brain. He was stressing out too much. He tried to sleep so that tommorow would come faster. He was deeply curious to know what Seolhyun's answer was going to be.


Morning finally came and and it was time for school again. The time where Kyung had waited and terrified him since last night. He went to his locker as fast as he could, trying to take all of the books he needed and ran as fast as he could so that he wouldn't meet Zico.

He arrived at his closet and pulled all of the books he needed for the whole day. He wasn't planning to go out at lunch either today. Avoiding Zico was definitely the best solution.


" you seem busy "

Kyung's locker door suddenly got opened widely. He could feel someone was standing next to him thus making him turned his head slowly to see who that person was.

"Goin anywhere?" Zico smirked.

"Yes! To class of course!" Kyung yelled a bit, trying to show Zico that he wasn't afraid of him. "Tsk. Now you're just being so stupid." Zico rolled his eyes.

Kyung ignored him and trying to get away as fast as he could. He walked away, passing through Zico but Zico suddenly grabbed his wrist, permitting Kyung from walking away.

Zico dragged his elbow and pinned Kyung down to the locker. Kyung was now trapped between Zico's arms. Their faces were just inches away. Some of the people in the hallway were staring at the two of them. However, nobody wanted to help, unless if they wanted to get beaten up by Zico.

"Listen. I'm going to meet Seolhyun after school and asked her face to face. And don't you dare to forget what we had talked yesterday. Understand?" Zico said. His eyes were sharp as a knife and it hit directly into Kyung's

This made Kyung really wanted to scream but that would just embarrassed him more. His heart was beating fast, sweats starting to fall down but no, he wouldn't wimp today.

"Of course." Kyung pushed Zico off from him. The other students who were staring was startled to see how Kyung reacted towards Zico's aggresive moves. Some of them watched Kyung in awe.

On the other side, Zico's eyes went bigger as he saw Kyung walked away leaving him. He couldn't believe that a nerd just pushed him away, in front of everybody. It almost felt like Zico's pride had been taken away by that kid.

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