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"Kyung, don't be mad." Zico was trying to grab one of Kyung's hand but he quickly swapped it away. He walked in an even faster condition so that he could left Zico behind. He wasn't in the mood to see that guy. Even if Eunha or Seolhyun passing through, it wasn't matter anymore to what he had in his mind.

On the other side, Zico couldn't help cursing as he abandoned himself in the school's backyard on every single class he involved in with Kyung. Ever since Zico admitted his real feelings, Kyung just kept on ignoring him. It went for days now and it felt even more frustrating for him. If only he could stop his stupid mouth from saying those words, Kyung might've been around him right until now. The world could've been a better place if he didn't let his ego took over the role in his thoughts.

While the whole school considered it as a normal "couple fight", it went completely bad between the two of them. Zico's gang could only looked from afar since whenever they decided to interfere, Zico would most likely punch them instead. The more he went further from Kyung, the more violent he became and that wasn't how Zico used to behave.

"This is not the Zico Hyung I know." Jihoon shook his head in disbelief as he saw Zico now punching a tree during his lunch break. He knew that he couldn't handle the guilt of seeing Zico acting like this the whole time. Even if more than half of the students said that 'violent' was Zico's last name, he still needed help to get his sanity back.

That day went fast as the school's bell suddenly rang. Jihoon quickly ran through the school's corridor in order to meet Eunha before she went home.
He charged to talk to her whatever the case.

Zico was still fake-dating Kyung and they both had a problem, causing some of a mental illness on Zico. Jihoon urged to solve this problem as fast as he could so that he didn't have to witness his beloved hyung being hurt every single day. Whilst he was thinking, Eunha somehow passed through his mind. She was one of Kyung's closest friend that he had crushed once, plus she might had known something about Kyung and how to confront him. At least those were the things Jihoon could understood from the current situation.

"Eunha-ssi" Eunha turned as someone called her. It was Jihoon.

"Nee... may I help you Jihoon-ssi?" Eunha smiled back as a reply. "Can I ask you something?" Jihoon continued. Eunha replied him with a simple nod before Jihoon deliberately asked his indiscretions.

"So it went like that...." Jihoon nodded as Eunha finished in explaining everything about Kyung. She explained that Kyung and her weren't dating at all. It was true that she liked him first but knowing the fact that Kyung had dated Zico made her moved on now. Thus explaining the fact that no students in school knew about the fake dating news. They were all whipped as they consider both Kyung and Zico was eligibility love each other.

"Eunha-ssi, may I ask you another question?" Jihoon asked, thus receiving another nod from Eunha. "May I know who else in this school is really close to Kyung hyung?" Jihoon continued.

"Uhm, let me think." Eunha said as she put her hand on her chin. After a few moments, a memory of someone actually passed through her mind.

"Taeil hyung!"


"Goodbye Kyung!" Taeil waved back at his dongsaeng who had just left the school. They used to go back together but Kyung said that he wasn't in the mood, up for no reason or whatsoever. Even if it did seem weird, Taeil wouldn't mind it at all since he'd mostly go together to help with another Zico's request. He was just considering it as a phase.

"Excuse me hyung." Jihoon quickly entered the empty class to prevent Taeil from going home, still needing his help after all the storytime.

"Aren't you one of Zico's friends?" Taeil asked as Jihoon nod his head back. "Look kid, don't bully me. I know that you're body is way bigger than mine but boy I'm older than you could ever be." Taeil said in a brave but yet terrified look.

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