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"Why can't you understand??" Kyung ranted as his new "boyfriend" kept on asking on how to solve mathematical problems. It had been a frustrating night ever since that boy decided to enter Kyung's room.

" chill dude " Zico sad as he laid himself down onto Kyung's bed. He was scrolling through his Instagram feeds just to ignore Kyung.

"Why are you coming here if you didn't want to study in the first place? You're bothering me." Kyung asked. " I don't know " The other one said thus making Kyung pouted even more.

Zico was actually anticipating Kyung to hit or maybe rant at him even more but no words were coming out from the shorter one. Zico then raised himself to sit properly on Kyung's bed. He was staring at Kyung who could only look down at the carpet beneath him. Thus resulting on the other one to give him a confused look.

"Let me tell you something, it's not that bad to be your boyfriend after all." Zico said but still getting ignored from the three months older. "Yah, why are you ignoring me?!" Zico fastly went towards
Kyung and held both of his shoulder. He shaked them gently but Kyung was just sitting still on his damned position.

"Park Kyung!" Zico who was now furious decided to strengthen the shake. "Zico ya~" Zico went quite as he saw Kyung lifted his head and suddenly dropped himself onto the carpet. He was actually sleeping the whole time.

"Aish, this punk." Zico ranted as he still ended up carrying Kyung anyway. Zico then put Kyung down gently on the bed, creating a moment where their face being separated by inches only. The moment went fast as Zico quickly stood properly and left Kyung's house with a beating heart that night.

" Is it wrong to like you this way? "


"Hey, did you hear the news? Zico seemed to be really close to that geek." Yukwon said to Minhyuk during the school's lunch break. "What geek?" Minhyuk said as he chewed one of his sandwiches.

"Park Kyung." Yukwon continued, thus making the other one sneered.

"Are you sure those people aren't blind?" Minhyuk asked as he didn't want to believe in anything Yukwon had said. "No, they even said that they're dating." Yukwon continued.

Minhyuk choked on his sandwich. Getting both rumors and gossips at school always seemed to be a normal thing, but not this one. He couldn't believe any words coming out of Yukwon's mouth. Are you sure it's Park Kyung? How in the world that news isn't a hoax? Everybody knew they had hated each other ever since junior high.

"Bro! Are you okay??" Yukwon quickly hold onto the other one who was now still choking up. Minhyuk quickly drank one of the milk on his table to calm himself down.

"Are you sure that ISN'T a hoax???" Minhyuk continued to asked in disbelief. Yukwon shook his head as a reply and this made Minhyuk felt even more frustrated.

"Come follow me." Yukwon held onto the other's wrist as he began to drag him down the stairs, heading to the school's cafeteria. Just what Yukwon had expected, both Zico and Kyung were sitting on the same table.

Both of them hid behind a wall not far from the other two position. "Enjoy your own feast hyung." Yukwon sneered.

Minhyuk's mouth was slowly opening as his mind drought in an unbelievable situation. He couldn't believe his own eyes as Kyung began to spoon fed Zico right in front of the whole public!

"Dude, Zico is straight right? He whipped his ass for Seolhyun!" Minhyuk were still trying to deny the fact he had seen. "You're missing everything man... Seolhyun was sitting in front of them the whole time." Yukwon smirked.

"Fuck." Minhyuk said.

"Why don't you seemed to like it?" Yukwon asked with his face somehow seemed like it didn't agree with his hyung's reaction. "We need to talk about this." Minhyuk replied.


"What's going on with this forum of yours? I'm busy." Zico said.

After school, Minhyuk decided to talk with Zico about his relationship with Kyung at the school's backyard. He managed to gathered all of the gang including Jihoon and Jaehyo. Well, Yukwon was also there even if it bothered him to see Minhyuk suddenly went homophobic ever since this morning.

"You're straight right?" Minhyuk started the conversation with a death glare heading towards Zico. This made Zico smirked and laughed at the older one instead. The whole gang went confused
as they seen Zico's odd behavior.

"Hyung, are you sick?" Jihoon asked. "No." Zico shook his head in instance.
"Just tell us the truth. All of this was just an act for Seolhyun right?" Minhyuk continued to convince himself by spilling some broken ass tea all over the place.

"Wait Hyung, did you read our group chat?" Yukwon said as he held one of Minhyuk's shoulder. "No, why?" Minhyuk then turned his head.

"Uh, Seolhyun noona had rejected Zico hyung...." Jihoon continued in guilt. He didn't want to bring any of the wounds back but it was still important to explain everything during that time.


Minhyuk felt like his brain went malfunctioning after receiving all of these sudden facts. Just one day of no internet connection had left him dragged behind from the news.

"Are you guys done?" Zico said in annoyance. He wanted to leave since he had promised Kyung that it wouldn't take long for him to be in the forum. He decided to not bring Kyung ever since he didn't want that kid to be hurt again.

"Damn, I need some explanation!" Minhyuk shouted in frustration.

"Here, let me help you."  Jaehyo who had been manicuring his nails suddenly bundled up in the conversation by going towards Zico's direction. He then lifted Zico's chin gently as he smiled gently. The eldest in the group seemed not interested in whatever Jaehyo doing at that moment.
"So, you're gay?" Jaehyo suddenly asked, still with his hand on Zico's chin.

"Maybe I am."


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