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"Nice work Jiho. I see that this program is not a waste." The teacher gave the result paper to Zico. Kyung wanted to look but Zico just kept on covering it by hugging the paper.

"And thank you Kyung. I hope you will continue the good work." The teacher smiled and left the class.

"Yo man let me look at your result!" Kyung tried to grab the paper but Zico turned his body, trying to avoid Kyung's arm. "Here." Kyung put his paper on Zico's table. It clearly said '95' on it.

'How can this kid get 95? so close to 100....' Zico thought to himself as he gazed onto Kyung's paper. He didn't realized that he had made a confused face while thinking of Kyung's score.

"There, I showed you mine. Now, let me look at yours!" Kyung rolled his eyes at Zico. Zico on the other side, peeked at his paper and hugged it again. Almost seemed like he really didn't want to show it to anyone, including Kyung.

"Ah, whatever. It's a waste of time to argue with you anyway. I hope its nice." Kyung crossed both of his arms in front of his chest, letting out a pout. "Ya... don't be mad." Zico finally put down his paper on Kyung's table.

Kyung immediately took the paper and looked at it with a very serious look. He even turned that piece of paper back and forth to make sure that he was seeing the right thing. All of Kyung's expressions showed how unbelievable it was for him, close enough looking like he was also mad at Zico.

"The distance is not far. Don't cry." Zico crossed his hand and played with his nails. "98" Kyung said, making Zico gazed back at him. "98..." Kyung let out a whisper that was still possible to be heard by Zico.

"Park Kyung, don't be angry. I got this because of you anyway!" Zico rolled his eyes. "98!!!!!" Kyung suddenly hugged Zico tightly. "yA! What are you doing?!" Zico eyes went bigger as he felt really shocked. Nobody has ever hug him suddenly like this. Ever.

"Congratulations man! I'm happy for you!" Kyung let go of Zico for a few seconds and hugged him again, this time giving him a slight pat on his back. "My student had succeded!" Kyung yelled a bit while doing his 'hurray' pose.

"Tsk. Another test is coming you know. Don't be too happy about it." Zico said. "What? Do I still have to teach you? Aren't my job done??" Kyung tilted his head, showing Zico a fully confused face.

"Ha? This kid does never listen. She just told you to continue your 'work' " Zico rolled his eyes while imitating some quotation marks with his fingers, looking annoyed at Kyung.

"Ahhh... so I still have to teach you...." Kyung looked down. He was being happy over the thought of finishing hus tutoring time with Zico after the test. He felt disappointment after hearing that.

"Oh so you were happy because you thought you could leave?" Zico raised one of his eyebrow towards Kyung. "Pfft... too bad then. You're stuck with me again Kyung. And don't forget we still have another business to do beside math." Zico flicked Kyung's forehead lightly and smirked.

Zico then grabbed his paper and left the class immediately, leaving Kyung who just sat there with his pouting mouth. He glared at Zico annoyedly as he walk out of the class. He started to rub his flicked forehead while cursing at Zico.


"Well. She also hate bugs" Kyung added. "Even I hate bugs" Zico finished his coke and threw them carelessly. As usual, Kyung had to meet Zico again at the school's backyard and told him some informations about Seolhyun.

Even if the one who they were talking about was Seolhyun, it still felt like it was their personal date or something. Who always spent their time after school together, sitting on a grass right on the school's backyard like every fucking day?

"Tsk. You hate bugs but you invited them." Kyung looked at the can that Zico had thrown carelessly before. "What did you say?" Zico asked, didn't know what was Kyung talking about.

"Don't throw trash randomly." Kyung rolled his eyes. "Well don't tell me what to do. I don't like it." Zico suddenly grabbed Kyung's collar and pull him closer, gazing intensely.

Their face was being close again to the point that Kyung could see his own shadow inside Zico's eyes. Even if Kyung had tried to not be scared as best as he could, his heart was still racing so fast that he couldn't help to control it. In the end he still threw his gaze away from Zico's.

"Hyung!" A voice came from their back, making Zico immediately let go of Kyung and turned around. He found Jihoon was waving happily and ran towards the two of them.

'Shit. What is he doing here? His other friends must be close' Kyung thought to himself, looking annoyed after seeing the bubbly Jihoon.

"Yo Jihoon!" Zico replied. "Oh you were with Kyung Hyung?" Jihoon tilted his head towards right a bit, seeing Kyung who was looking down at the grass, pretending not to see them.

"Yeah not important. Whats the business." Zico quickly stood right in front of Jihoon and asked with his hands inside his pockets. "Ah Hyung. I was going to invite you to eat together. I searched for you and you turned out to be here." Jihoon continued.

"Jihoonie! There you are!" Yukwon ran and embraced him. "Yo, Zico how's.... Kyung?" Yukwon looked to the left just as Jihoon did before, couldn't helo seeing Kyung.

'fuck all of them will come. Should I run? No! I can't do that! Think Kyung think!' Kyung slapped himself mentally, wanting to really escape before all of the guys came.

"Wow, what are you two doing here?" Yukwon raised one of his eyebrows looking curious. "Don't tell me you had fun with him without inviting us." Yukwon smirked, this is probably one of the reason why some people in school still didn't know what was he really interested into.

"Ya, there you are! What took you so long?!" Jaehyo suddenly ran towards them with Minhyuk following him from behind. "Oh you found Zico." Minhyuk also said. "Wait. Is that Kyung?? Hello man--" Jaehyo was about to go to Kyung but Zico suddenly grabbed his elbow and stopped him from going even further.

"Leave him alone." Zico said with a serious tone. "Ah no jam no jam." Jaehyo pouted and went back to stand with the others with arms were being crossed in front of his chest.

"Zico ya, we're going to eat. You know, soju night!" Yukwon hit Zico's shoulder playfully. "I'm not coming." Zico looked away. "What? Why? You're not usually like this." Minhyuk showed his confused look.

"Yeah. Is it because you had some business with that man right there? You don't want us to be involved?" Jaehyo added and tried to walk towards Kyung again.

"No shithead." Zico whined. "And didn't I told you to leave him alone?" Zico glared sharply at Jaehyo, making him who was actually scared of Zico, saved all of his intention to tease Kyung and went back standing with the others, still looking very annoyed.

"Hm... Too bad.. you won't know about Jihoon's new crush!" Minhyuk grinned at Jihoon, making the youngest among them quickly blushed. "Hyung! Stop it!" Jihoon suddenly hit Minhyuk's back. Even if it was only a playful attack, it was definitely strong enough to made Minhyuk lost his balance. Luckily, Yukwon managed to catch him right before he fell onto the ground.

"Eunha." Yukwon leaned a bit and whispered into Zico's right ear. Kyung who was able to hear yukwon whispering, suddenly looked towards them. Not realizing that Zico was also looking back at him, thus making their eyes met for a few seconds.

Kyung who was startled quickly threw his gaze away into the grassy ground beneath him again, pretending not to hear anything. He felt really stupid to actually respond. He shouldn't have been triggered so that Zico wouldn't realize anything between him and Eunha.

"Tsk. I found another way to disturb him" Zico looked back at the guys and gave them a smirk.


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