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Kyung opened his eyes slowly, trying to collect his life back after a long sleep. The ray of sunshine coming from the window immediately hit his eyes, making him wanted to close it so he could go back to sleep again. He began to close his eyes.

After a few seconds, Kyung felt uncomfortable. He couldn't move freely, like something was on top of him. He wanted to sleep again but he couldn't. Something was odd.

Kyung shockingly opened his eyes as he felt breath near his ear. He turned to his left and found Zico's face was right in front of his. He was being really startled, wanting to move but couldn't because one of Zico's arm was locking him in. Almost seemed like Zico had put him into a hugging position, using Kyung as his bolster.

'Shit shit shit. Did mom found out about this??? I have to go before he wake up' Kyung was mentally panicking to himself. He tried to pushed Zico's arm slowly off from his body, making sure that he didn't wake up.

"Stupid." Zico suddenly said something in his sleep, making Kyung really shocked and began to sweat. He felt grateful that he managed to not scream at that time. He turned his head slowly to find that Zico was still sleeping peacefully.

" He was only sleep talking. Relax. " Kyung sighed, trying to sit so he could get off from the bed. He managed to sit but a hand suddenly dragged him back onto the bed.

Zico's arm was locking around him again, making his face was extremely right in front of Kyung's to the point where he could feel Zico's breathing heavily. His heart began to beat faster, a mix feeling between scared, terrified, and something... weird.

Kyung must've thought that Zico had probably woken up but he just didn't say anything. Stuck into the situation had made Kyung unable to let go now. Zico's arm had wrapped all around his body, trapping him inside. Even if Kyung tried to push Zico again, Zico would definitely woke up this time.

" okay calm down " Kyung took a deep breath, trying not to panic. " maybe I should just sleep again. Don't care about all of this! " Kyung shut his eyes, trying to sleep.

However, instead of sleeping, he felt hot. Zico's body heat had gotten into him and made him felt very uncomfortable. After realizing that he couldn't sleep, he opened his eyes again. This time, he really need to be brave and wake Zico up. Kyung took a deep breath before doing his first move.

" Hey "
" wake up "

Kyung pulled one of his arm from Zico's and shook him slowly. Zico replied with nothing. "Hey sleepy head!" Kyung raised his voice and shook Zico's harder  this time but still no responses were heard from him.

"Aish this kid. What should I do now?" Kyung looked around and saw a bottle of water on top of the computer desk across the bed. "Right! I need water. Ah but that's too far! What else is water??" Kyung narrowed his eyes, thinking of something else.

" should I spit on him? " Kyung leaned closer towards Zico and tried to collect some spit from his mouth. He tried to spit on him when suddenly Zico opened his eyes.

"WTF?!" Zico opened his eyes and quickly pushed Kyung away from him. Kyung was being pushed backward and fell from the bed. The spit that was on his mouth was now back inside his throat again.

"Yah! What the hell were you trying to do?!" Zico pointed at Kyung, covering his whole body with blanket. "Stupid. I was trying to wake you up." Kyung rubbed the back of his head that was hurt after falling down right onto the floor.

"That wasn't waking up that was harrassing!" Zico yelled at Kyung, making him stared back at Zico with an angered look. Instead of replying Zico, he decided to stand  and walk to the room's door. He quickly opened it and left the room. "Yeah! Leave you morron!" Zico shouted as Kyung walked away, leaving him behind.

Kyung was on the stairs when he just realized that he wasn't wearing his jacket and it was also not his house. 'Stupid' He hit his head lightly and went back inside Zico's room. He closed the door and stood again in front of it.

"Ya! Why are you back?" Zico pointed at Kyung. "Where's my jacket?" Kyung asked. "Inside the bathroom." Zico rolled his eyes. "What? Why would it be inside the bathroom? It should be on my closet." Kyung also rolled his eyes and crossed his arm, looking annoyed.

"Aish this punk. Listen, because of you last night, my jacket was a total mess and you should be thankful that I had washed yours too!" Zico pointed at Kyung and then to the bathroom door, indicating the things he had done last night.

Right after Zico had said that, Kyung suddenly remembered all of the things that had happened last night. He did puke at Zico and that was the main reason why he slept there last night. This made him hitting his forehead desperately, didn't know what to do. If his mother found out about this, he would definitely move into another school exactly right on that day.

"Is it about your mom? I told her that you would sleep here because of math. Hope you didn't mind lying to her once." Zico sat down on his bed, stretching himself up while yawning.

After hearing Zico's sentences, Kyung suddenly let out a wide smile, feeling extremely happy at that time. He immediately ran towards Zico and hugged him as tight as he can. The biggest reason why he was so happy was because his mother wouldn't get angry at him, plus he didn't have to move school anymore.

On the other side, Zico only sat there, being quiet while Kyung's arm were wrapped around his back. He wasn't feeling amused but he didn't want to push Kyung off from him either. He started to feel weird things again.

"Oh Zico for once in a lifetime finally! You're being helpful! Thank you bro!" Kyung patted Zico on his back and let go of the hug. He jumped around happily as a sign of relieve. Zico let out a smirk as he saw how childish Kyung was.

"Tsk. Don't get too happy, you do know you have to repay me for this, right?" Zico sniffed. "Oh come on! If it's about Seolhyun. Relax. You can just hit her up." Kyung said confidently.



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