Awakenings and Revelations

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Author's Note: So I've got plans for the future of this story and to do that I need a few other perspectives to show. In Just a Girl I had Faith's POV and now I'm introducing Buffy's POV.

Buffy's POV

The steady pace of my feet hitting the floor annoys the hell out of me as I pace back and forth in the hospital waiting room. My palms are sweaty, so I rub them together nervously.

What do I do? How do I help her? How do I make this better for her? I can be there for her, sure. But is it really going to end up doing anything? She's been hurting so much since what happened to Faith. It's tearing her up inside having to wait and see, hoping every day that today might be the day that she wakes up. My sister is hurting and I don't know what to do about it. She's not sleeping all that well, her eating habits aren't exactly in top form, and I'm worried about what all this time spent at Faith's bedside is going to do to her college chances.

I'm doing all that I can, I keep bringing her food and getting her to take naps where I can but don't know how much it's helping. Dawn's in a lot of pain and the more time passes the more I come to realize there may be only one thing that can take it all away. And the one thing that could help her seems to get more and more uncertain with each passing day. I thought for sure Faith would've woken up by now. She was doing so well for so long... and she has the whole slayer healing thing going for her. That's something I know pretty well. So it makes me wonder about the setback she had.

Stopping in the middle of the room, I run a hand through my hair while I let out a deep breath.

How could it happen? How could she get that bad that quickly? Faith is one of the fittest people I know. We've kicked the crap out of each other enough times to know just how much punishment we can take without killing ourselves. She shouldn't have had something like that happen to her. So how did it happen? Why did it happen? If it were natural, her slayer healing powers should've kicked in and fixed the problem before it got too serious. But it didn't, and I can't help but wonder why. The only reason it wouldn't is because of some kind of mystical event, a spell or a curse or something.

But who would do that to Faith? She's lying in a hospital bed unconscious, for the past few weeks she's been half dead with all the injuries she's sustained. It would just be simpler to go right into her room and stab her while she's out. There's no reason to be so secretive and do a spell. Unless whoever did it wanted to make it look like an accident as a result of her injuries. Either that or they knew that the doctors would get to her in time and save her. If that's the case then maybe this wasn't meant to kill her, just as a warning or a message of some kind.

Except that train of thought only brings me back to who and why, neither of which I have an answer for. So I guess there's nothing I can do about it until I have more info. Maybe I'll call Willow and the other slayers training at the dojo and get them working on what kind of demon could do a spell like that. It could be relevant if we're going after that Faraquad demon in the next couple of days. God knows with the power that thing has, we don't want any surprises popping up out of nowhere. I don't want anyone else to die under my watch. I've got enough blood on my hands and on my conscience after all those years in Sunnydale. I don't need any more.

Pulling out my cell phone and turning it on, I watch the screen load up. Just then, the door opens and a nurse walks in.

"Ms Summers?"

I look up at the nurse.


"She's waking up."

Just a College Girl (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now